
Granted it's not *much* but they released Shadow Chronicles in 2006, and re-released recently, along with the remastered original series.

I remember reading somewhere (it might have been bs) that Nintendo was offering to assist with some of the overhead in releasing the games. Localization, perhaps server stuff, etc. That and Sony seems to have irritated them by refusing the localize and release MHP3 HD without trophy support.

Oops. I meant to say that sale figure is for MH4 that came out a few months ago. Not all of them together, just that one. It's just behind the sales figures for Pokemon X/Y (which came out a smidge later) in that region.

Ironically, Iron Eyes Cody wasn't even Native American. But he was awesome though. RIP.

Yeah, Nintendo's lack of exploiting it's assets in the Virtual Console area are easily one of the biggest disappointments in the history of gaming. Sure, we got a bunch, but look at what they have! They literally could have been printing their own money this whole time.

...the launch game Nintendo Land ...superb third-party launch game ZombiU ...a new, polished Mario sidescroller ...a new, polished 3D Mario game HD re-release of a beloved Zelda ...a long-awaited sequel in Pikmin 3 acclaimed original game in The Wonderful 101 ...a new Wii Fit HD remake of Wii Sports

VGCharts (idk the accuracy of the site) has the Japanese sales at 3.23 million in just a few months, pretty significant.

They also wrested Monster Hunter away from Sony. That's a pretty huge boon, particularly in Japan.

One of the biggest things that were lost from the jump from PSP to Vita was the TV-Out. I loved playing my PSP games (primarily Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and Peace Walker) on a big TV (even if they ended up looking blockier). They really should have prioritized some method to do this.

I'm sure it wasn't a coincidence. Sure seems even more fitting now though.

I'm sure that's true for any industry that caters (in part anyways) people who obsess about their products. The less people have going on in their lives leads to minor things looking pretty big. Same thing happens with people who sit around watching political commentary on cable news all day - everything is the end

Meme theory at it's finest.


It doesn't even look like Stallone's face either. XD I'll never get games like this. I know character modelling can be expensive, but just spend a few more minutes on it please! It's like someone spent a half hour on it, and said "ok, that's good enough".

Wait, iPad 2 won't support this? It's got Bluetooth 2.1, but isn't in the "lightning port" family.

Best one there is, son. Best one there is.

Well I was trying to avoid the stigma of the first man convicted of an assault while on the ice. XD. But your point is noted, he was a valuable asset to the great one.

There's many reasons. Typically the refs only stop a fight when a player is unable to defend themselves like someone falls down, has their sweater/jersey pulled over their face blocking their vision, or some other situation like that leading to helplessness. They do typically have a good notion of when the right

As others have said, it's a critical part of the game. For every "bruiser" out there, there's a really skilled player who's not a bruiser at all. When people are flying near walls at 50mph, it's easy to injure someone by playing dangerously and illegally. But it'd be too late for a referee to stop it since it only