
I normally wouldn't condone piracy, but I'm a pretty staunch believer in that if they don't want our money fuck 'em.

The early download thing was of course to make up for speed issues slow internet could play a game on release day that way.

True, but really if you think about it - there'd be nowhere else to have bought these games new anyways, without digital distribution.

I'm paying $60 a month for 50-70 down (it varies a lot) and 1-3 up. I'm in Indianapolis. Not the biggest city to be sure, but it's big-ish.

Allowing pre-loading on consoles would be a way around this for the time being. Give people a week ahead of time to start their download (and the choice to throttle to speed so they don't ruin their internet). Digital distribution is great for a lot of things.

Wireless? That sucks.

FWIW, I can still download them from my GoG account since I "own" them already. But I get what you're saying.

Nearly every joint in my body has always popped like cracking knuckles. Neck, back, wrists, ankles, elbows, knees, sometimes my shoulders and hips too. My mom told me that when I was a baby it'd sound like rice krispies picking me up out of the crib.

Everything breaks, yo. Remember when hackers stole everyone's data from PSN and shut that down for months?

I don't know, man. Something's gotta give one way or the other. Same with Hollywood, studies show people becoming less and less likely to just blow money on huge, empty CGI blockbusters. The same is already happening for games. They'll need to either spend less money making games, or accept that they'll not make

Even in the future, nothing works!

You buy all games at full retail at launch? You've never waited for the price to drop? I think you're actually arguing against what you do without knowing.

I also had a $200 10MB (yes, megabytes) external hard drive for my Apple II. It was awesome at the time since using an Apple II was all about disk swapping. You could store a lot of 5.25" disks on that. I doubt any of us would consider that pricing scheme remotely valid today. Tech gets more plentiful and cheaper,

Eh. We must have different views on money management, then. Finances are all judgement calls and appraisals of value, and I look at all of it similarly, both "needs" and "wants".

I do know that with good mobile games and frequent deals on Steam, etc, $60 really does seem like a ripoff these days. Especially since most games are really quite short, the dollar per hour of enjoyment factor is pretty darn high.

Then why waste money putting a computer in it?

I realize it caused a zillion problems at launch, I'm not worried about the online requirement. If someone doesn't have the internet, they're probably suffering from some real-life problems that mere escapism via a video-game won't fix.

For what it's worth, they're suing over the stock value, not necessarily because they themselves aren't enjoying the game. Seems more than just raging gamers, per say.

Is it the same voice actor? The first WD game was great, but Clem's VA was a little iffy. (I have no idea if it was a child irl or not)