At least gold has good thermal conductance. XD
At least gold has good thermal conductance. XD
I guess it depends how you define "right". It's highly subjective, you know.
Your seem to have made a typo.
I mean I get what you're saying, obviously Macs are computers that can be owned personally, but it's all about brand identity. If someone says "PC", they're usually not referring to a Macintosh, unless they're a weird contrarian.
Not according to Apple. You remember those I'm a Mac and I'm a PC commercials. XD
In both? Parallels may have come a long way since you last used/read about it.
I'm running games way newer than that, duder.
Thanks, I guess, but if you looked through this discussion before speaking up, you'd see we're discussing this already.
Our favorite pedometer is Runtastic Pedometer for both Android and the iPhone. It keeps track of all your daily steps, compiles that data into pretty graphs, and still manages to keep things simple. That said, for iPhone 5s owners, we like Pedometer++. Since it uses the iPhone motion sensor, it barely uses any of your…
There's pros and cons to both Parallels and Boot Camp. (I've used both).
Yeah, exactly. And if I do miss out, it's probably fine. The fence outside isn't going to fix itself.
I love the Magic Mouse. Not for gaming, though. XD
I know. Bummer, too. I was hoping for some graphic calculator game ports. Just think about what you said for a second. XD
Apparently. His life must be all games, all the time.
Good article. Obviously, if someone's a PC gamer, they should buy a PC. But there are many of us who don't game on the computer often, but would like a few good Mac compatible games for a sometimes treat. Ignore the shallow comment-thread idiots who's lives are exclusively games-only.
It's one thing to know little, it's another entirely to announce it to all of us. *golf claps*
Also: SPOILER - there aren't any jobs
Another thing to consider is that a lot of people struggle to make ends meet working a regular job. Who's to say these Youtubers don't already have a "real" job, and are moonlighting on Youtube for some extra scratch? Simple fact is, we live in the "land of opportunity". People should be able to do this.
I don't know. I mean I hear you. One "upside" to playing them when each episode is current and not all in one go later on, is that you get a more honest feel for the choices you and everyone else made. You know how the game always tells you "You and X% chose Carley" and "You and Y% were honest to Herschel".
Haha. Nice timing. I retrieved a couple buckets of my old childhood Legos from my parents house to give to my daughter while we were in town over Thanksgiving. There were a few Garbage Pail Kids cards mixed into the Legos for some reason. (And GI Joe rockets, etc)