Why are you so quick to think about it then when learning about gay people? Hmm? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???
Why are you so quick to think about it then when learning about gay people? Hmm? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???
Oh there was in Samurai Shodown? I loved that game years ago. My bad if I don't remember it.
When did the fad of metal headbands factor into ninjas anyways? Naruto?
Scary times we live in. Even scarier if you think about the fact these policies and departments will last longer than any president and administration, too.
Everyone involved was bad, and should feel bad for being bad. Reggie should have known they'd ask about the same things people always ask him, and the hosts should have known Nintendo doesn't reveal more than they plan.
Reggie's body was not ready.
Well considering today's culture, I'm sure kids shooting out rear windows with .50 BMG anti-materiel rifles isn't too far off.
Thanks guys, that helped.
Makes sense. I was just musing out loud, I suppose.
It makes me wonder, though, there's gravity on the moon but it's much lighter than here. I wonder how fast of a jump would send a vehicle flying off into space forever.
Let's roll back and look at what you just said. x86 and PowerPC have nothing in common at all other than being "cpu's".
It's probably fairly accurate to say we're all probably annoying.
Ah, Blast Corps. That game was so f-in fun.
Yeah I was about to say that lunar rovers are sloooooooooooooooow.
Yeah, tell me about it. Every Saturday during dinner my dad would present me with Sky Striker missiles, He-Man weapons, and the like that had gotten caught up in the lawn mower. XD
Did he have any employee discounts? My dad used to work for Sears, and my parents sure got the mileage out of that when the Sears Catalog showed up in the mailbox.