
Yeah, man. I mean sure they weren't as articulated and detailed as today's toys, but it was magical back then. Toys R Us had literally an entire isle devoted to Transformers. Then Wal-Mart came to power and ruined retail. Now most have few isles dedicated to action figures in general.


I agree with you in regards to OSX scaling working better. It was one of the reasons I switched.

Too bad, indeed. I was hoping for something that resembled Avengers.

This is Avengers-related? Looks like a Warcraft guy hanging out with a few Valve characters and a miscolored Big Boss.

OSX only, sorry


I tried this game earlier, but I can't say I care for how it works. I found their Joe game to be far more addictive.

I certainly can't be the only person who doesn't appreciate or care about off-TV play. I'm a Wii U owner, too. Never used off-tv, never want to use off-tv. My daughter doesn't either. It's a "wow, neat" feature, I guess, and an additional marketing point - but it's really not all that useful. What's the range on

I don't appreciate the cost of their products either, believe me, but that's the cornerstone of the free market. Something is only worth as much as what people will pay for it. Obviously, it's working.

Perhaps he was dictating?

Pokemon is the world's premier and longest-lived kidnapping and imprisonment simulator.

Yeah, I don't see the problem? When I heard it was going to be sprites and not a 3D rework like FF4 etc, this is exactly what I expected to get. Silly complaint, Jason, silly complaint! :D

I know, right? George RR Martin needs to stop farting around with historical documents for Rick and get back to writing his damn books!

I suppose it could help keep pocket lint and dust out of the headphone jack, which is a real problem. At least for a little while, before it gets yanked out and lands on the street and lost forever.

Lemme call my buddy, he knows everything about these...

True. Bucky's sure has gone downhill in recent years. They've really cheaped out the ingredients.

I hate to be the "why is this news" guy, but yeah.