
Argh this makes me sick. I was raped, beat up and drugged and after going to urgent care I was told I had find a ride to go to a hospital 40+ miles away, over a sketchy mountain pass in the middle of winter despite having a level 3 trauma hospital with one of the top orthopedic groups (its a ski resort town) because

Definitely a hapa haole. My dad lives outside Waianae and when I'm out there I identify more as (native) Hawaiian. Yet when I come on Jez and participate in cultural appropriation conversations, people say I'm not "native" enough... there are sooo few full Native Hawaiians, but I can pass off as a haole and benefit

:-) Grew up and live in Eagle County (kinda near Vail for non CO folk)

Hey! Raised and live in Avon :-)

Bull. My fiance is from Texas and his snow driving skills are laughable despite living in CO for 8 years, while I started at 15 in the Rockies (we both still live in the mountains). Snow??= I drive. (I just read him this tweet, and said in a blizzard who drives, he laughed and pointed at me. Hooray for men who are not

Nah, he was (and is) a Vail, CO firefighter before the show. She was... from California? Not Colorado. She moved to Vail after the show. He was (and is) a cool, laid back guy. She is... just a horrible person. So mean to service industry employees (which I am)

No, I've seen the Jesus luvin wifey types I went to high school with posting it from blog entries about not putting your children before your husband. Funny how it's never the mother's needs first unless it's part of putting the marriage first. It's vomit inducing.

As someone who lives in the same town Trista does and interacts with her fairly regularly, she's far more vapid than even this represents. And she's horribly nasty and haughty, which is saying something even for a Vail Valley society type. Poor Ryan, he's a cool guy. He could do way better.

I'm Native Hawaiian/haole (half and half) and just wanted to agree with you (and give you a shout out!)

One of my good friends who died in the Aurora theater shooting, Jessica Redfield Ghawi's, mom Sandy Phillips, used her death to become a gun sense lobbyist (not anti gun, but reasonable gun control) People accuse her of downright horrifying things who disagree with her, pimping her daughter's corpse for political gain

True. Doesn't excuse putting a salad with rice and a delicious chimichanga though ha ha.

Why is there salad with that chimichanga? Beans go with rice! Blasphemous. Silly Californians.

I'm actually 6' 3" almost 4" and been told across the board I'm too tall to model. (And don't get me started on men saying they life "tall" women but I'm too tall gaaahh)

I'm actually 6' 3" almost 4" and been told across the board I'm too tall to model. (And don't get me started on men saying they life "tall" women but I'm too tall gaaahh)

argh Alex Jones. I'm from Aurora and lost close friends in the theater shooting. Apparently it was a hoax too, to get the US to support gun control and back an anti violence UN initiative. My friend Jessica was just an actress who wanted money and her coffin was empty. He (Jones) went so far as to say her grieving