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How is this different from what Disney did? Apart from Tezuka’s studio not suing them?

I would assume this is the one Donald Trump got.

Not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed. Nothing less than a knight. Shining.

This is gorgeous. Picture this:

At $850,000, I can think of a lot of metal I'd rather have, that would garner me far more respect and give me far more of a chill driving than the latest hyper-Porsche.

Give the guy a break, who hasn't accidentally flipped a $200,000 super car in their day?

This car is magnificent, although personally, if I had $650,000 to spend on a car that I could only drive 2500 miles each year, I'd ship it back to Zagato to get that silly wing taken off so that I was 100% satisfied those entire 2500 miles.

Those GIF's are priceless.

Anyone who would rather buy a 599 GTO over a 288 GTO or a 60's 330 GTC or something, should be openly mocked, because either they're buying it as an investment (so they won't drive it) or they're buying it to show off.