
That’s perfect and now I’m annoyed that I didn’t think of it.

Wear a skinny scarf or I may just barf?

I get that, though those Christians would argue it’s much more serious than you’re implying. I’m just unimpressed by Internet outrage. Sometimes people don’t like me, sometimes people make fun of me or things about me. Oh well. I’m more perplexed that people are saying that they’re “disappointed” in Target.

I love how they are like: “Well thanks for calling, hope you get some help. Oh wait, I guess maybe we could call someone.”


Can you not read? There’s nothing inherently dangerous about passing in a double-yellow zone. There was no blind corner, plenty of distance to the nearest peak in the road, and mostly clear countryside all around. That’s why this kind of pass is commonly practiced. The only danger was the jackass in the car.

You are reading too much into intent. It’s possible some swerved to hit as a perceived act of mercy.

I doubt he was going that slow solely because he was inept. Likely he was going slow purposely to be an ass and provoke “those gull-durn kids on their fancy-pants furren motor-sickle” into passing like that so he can self-justify his dickishness.

In a study, an animated injured dog model was placed just on the side of the road. Thinking they could get away with it, about 1% of drivers swerved to hit it.

Looks fairly obviously intentional on the video to me.

...I don’t know that not wearing gear and passing on a double yellow equate to assault with a vehicle...

Attempted murder. It’s that simple. People need to learn that it’s not their job to police others on the road. No it’s not oaky to attack people with your car. Free pass to jail and a lifetime ban on driving. He’s lucky the riders are alive.

OK, shouldn’t have overtaken there but there is NEVER a legit reason for knocking a biker off their bike. That piece of shit deserves attempted murder charges. He knew he was gonna hit them, did he think they would just be ok after being hit by a car? No, he wanted to hurt them and they could have died. Absolutely

The driver should be charged with attempted murder - but because he “only” hit a motorcycle, he won’t be.

They were driving high and endangering other innocent motorists on the road, sure I’d rather they’d not be dead, but fuck ‘em. These are the kinds of people who wipe out other people’s families simply because they’re getting their own jollies off.

So the 21-year old with a 5-year old was being irresponsible? Get out of town.

Egging on the guy to shoot the other guy in the head.

That matches the physical description of the average Texan.

She’s also popular with some Black feminists/Womanists as well. My circle of friends will often forward her sketches around and I saw Trainwreck with a couple of my BF/Womanist friends (we liked it well enough, it was OK, not great).

I’m a boring, standard issue white dude, but I like her because she’s funny.