excerpted from ESPN.com
excerpted from ESPN.com
Will they be bringing their own beds to shit in as well?
I’m just glad to hear Geno Smith’s talking shit again.
it shouldnt matter. with draft kings, its like a new season every week. enter promo code: deathhurricane and we’ll match your first deposit up to $200. play today!
Media and coaches use the word ‘chemistry,’ not players.
Under his sheet.
Great, another handout for the Greeks.
I have to assume dying at 11 AM is at least partially a conscious decision. If you’re old and have been up since 5, by 11 you’re faced with the option to go make yourself a sandwich for lunch, or die in your recliner.
Jon Gruden: See, this guy right here. He’s a guy I like to call “Brokey McFuckstick”, because I make around 40% more annually than-
The story is obviously fake. The Browns don’t even have 3 NFL starters on offense.
That’s all you got, TMZ? Johnny’s gonna need a little more proof than that.
It’s refreshing to see an argument between a black man and a white guy with guns end without any casualties.
You’d think Cromartie would understand that when it comes to children, people make mistakes.
Somewhere Ryan Fitzpatrick’s son is thinking:
“I’m not your Buddy, guy!”
The first sign the company was in a tailspin should have been that the "Senior Communications Manager" was using Comic Sans as her e-mail font.
usually I am not one to criticise, but I cannot believe they didn’t realise their mistake. they really need to find out who authorised this, because I cannot find any way to rationalise such an error.
the referees are part of the field
If the referee had been armed this never would’ve happened.