
Gad's Not Dead 2: The Frozen Sequel

Yes. As if this illustration wasn't already magical and joyful enough, it has friggin BATMAN enjoying himself. It's perfect. I wanna see a DC movie end like this illustration someday.

And Doctor Fate dramatically pouring himself a drink. It's so fantastic.

Man. This sucks. Of all his artwork I really love this one. Like the caption says: it's comforting.

Imagine All Star People is a friggin masterpiece

Man, the Justice League production must be a hellish mess.

"If Leo dies will the movie end sooner?"
"Okay do it"


yeah i don't….what was 'the war'? and what's black sky? what does she do? what? I was so confused by everything

also, no one has talked about this (at least not that i've seen) but in an earlier interview Snyder said "The movie is fun, and Batman fights Superman. If you can’t have fun there, then something’s kind of wrong with you.”

…were the places where it cut not extremely noticeable to anyone else? it even has a straight up hard cut at one point (around 43:19).

December and January

There should really be a youtube channel in the style of the movie that explains all this stuff. I know I'd definitely watch it, and even more so if it contained like a guide on where to go next or a set of beginners videos on understanding this stuff in general.

I was actually expecting that immediately after Kylo says "Hi I'm Matt" everyone would just go "Oh hey kylo" and throughout the rest of the sketch everyone would be fully aware that it's Kylo but Kylo just keeps insisting "No no, it's Matt. "

Has to be "Oh no, he's choking on food." for me

It's being directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller (Lego Movie, 21/22 Jump Street) though, who have made a career out of taking terrible ideas and making them great.
That said, I'm still skeptical about this.

that Falcon spin kick doe

Haven't they fought in every movie they've been in though? I get that there's friendship and comradery since they've been Avengers together but that friendship has never been too present.

"Daddy needs to get his rocks off." *flexes muscles, breaks rock suit, joins Furious 8*

Exactly. Everyone always expects Superman to win which is why it will never be a good fight unless Batman wins. In a story of a man vs a god, having the god win just isn't as entertaining.