
I would actually call that flat out racism as opposed to an undertone. Welcome to unemployment, ladies! I think Chick Fil A is hiring.....

“I feel so it’s unfortunate that people still have these racist undertones,” he said.

Hillary gave speeches to Goldman Sachs! That’s terrible!

Imagine looking like that and thinking your genes were superior.

The future of the Democratic party isn’t in being centrist like Webb and Clinton, it’s in embracing Warren, Sanders, etc. and being actually liberal in the European sense of the word for once. If they want people to show up to vote, the candidates need to be exciting. No 18-40 year old is jumping out of their seat to

4. Their profile pictures

Worst things about white nationalists:

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

Don’t you call me a bitch. This pussy grabs back.

“Not all Trump supporters are racist!” some idiots keep crying.

I just got a notice I was unfriended by a relative for not ‘playing nice’. I have not insulted anyone, merely displayed concern for people being terrorized and rights being taken away and engaging in conversation about these topics. These people have their fingers in their ears and unless drumpff decides to start

His supporters don’t care.

On the plus side, the impeachment hearings will be incredible.