
one very BIG thing, ack !

I cleaned it up. I couldn't move out until the Monday afterwards because the Hall Director's office was closed.

I'm a photog. His photos make me weep. And not with joy.

YES! And they do keep those records on paper and computer- they were data mining before the wikileaks people.

The point is, why give a piece of shit like Terry Richardson such a goddamn pass in a women's fashion magazine because you supposedly think his fucking art is SO BRILL OMG when you anyway have to Photoshop the shit out of the fucking images you're paying him tons of money to get. Fuck him, fuck this process, fuck all

I have future in-laws visiting from England/Ireland for my wedding in August. They are insistent on going to Death Valley. I (and the rest of my family from California) told them no way, uh-uh, not safe. Told them it could damage their rental car. Told them it would be madness.

He was the hottest fucking thing

butters lol. I am not religious and Manishevich can make you drunk fast :)

I don't get it either. Why would anyone even want to hike there in summer? I mean, just the name should be enough to stop people from going there in summer.

That's another tricky thing about Death Valley. There is no humidity. So often you won't sweat the way you are used to, because it is so dry that it evaporates. So you are losing hydration without being super aware of it. It is really zapping.

In theory it's good to be an agnostic, but for health reasons, I'm just not fun anymore. LOL!

Apparently he was found in a remote area by some other hikers (who presumably made it out alive), so I guess some people can do it safely. Not sure how though.

FWIW the place near me that rents motorcycles and camping gear to tourists has a big sign on the counter in the summer that says "They call it DEATH valley for

wait, wait a moment, scientologist can't drink booze? Sucks to be them. It's good to be a Jew. :))

Death Valley + July = " what could possibly go wrong ? ! "

My reaction to everyone who says this:

was this an advertorial?

I agree that love for Target is a stretch, but it is NOT identical to WalMart. Target is several levels above. Target is at least a functional and tolerable place to shop for the random stuff one uses. WalMart is a hellmouth.

I can't escape Target without spending at least $100 on stupid shit. I would say if that's what people are spending on each trip, Target really isn't the cheap-o store we pretend it is.

As it seems, there are not secret underground millionaires-only stores where the 1% does all its shopping.