Perfectly true! But you can’t out-legislate stupidity. And you can’t legislate out stupidity.
Perfectly true! But you can’t out-legislate stupidity. And you can’t legislate out stupidity.
Good point. A third party, certified, regulated, or ANY Driver’s Training Course isn’t mandatory in most states although there usually is a required written and road test.
Lol, there are 90 million+ quiet gun owners. Only about 3 or 5 million are vocal.
Makes no sense to keep your fire extinguisher down in the basement locked in a safe.
That would be like hoping for an intelligent women’s rights organization supporting just a little lower than equal pay..or sensible regulations prohibiting women from aggravating their husbands, or driving a car during her special time of the month. It’s just commonsense, after all
You’re assuming the initial reports are accurate, and there wasn’t some dispute, accident or other nefarious situation.
I don’t think so. Well regulated meant well equipped back in the day.
They instill knowledge which removes fear.
Go shooting. Reconnect with your dad, in person or in spirit. You’ll feel better.
Because we can support training without supporting MANDATORY training.
Wow... 3 rules. That takes at least what, 40, maybe 50 hours of training?
It’s not an *enumerated* right. The Supreme Court found a tenuous path to achieving that right. Without googling it, I’d betcha you can’t accurately describe that path.
Ummmmm.... it took averrrrrry convoluted path to get to a constitutional right to secure an abortion. The right to bear arms is...uhhhh, what’s that word...oh yeah: enumerated.
You’re not a hunter. No. Way.
I bet you think that “hate speech” should be punished, too.
Rapidly increasing?
It’s already required in Florida for a permit, complete with a live fire requirement.