
That’s just it, for me I don’t know. I have always been extremely careful, I have never had unprotected sex. I have always been super diligent about taking things correctly etc. If I got pregnant maybe I would feel differently but I don’t want kids. However, for me I think I could only do if very early on. Otherwise I

And maybe take a history class or two. Like the history of that whole marriage business, ya marriage predates the church but who cares about facts when you can have hate amiright?

Ahhhh ermygawd! Cute! Can I have this child?

But that’s just it. You can be “prolife” personally but if you are a feminist you are by default ultimately “prochoice” imo. If you claim to be a feminist and maintain an antichoice position for women other than yourself you are decided NOT a feminist.

Well they could have actually marched like everyone else. With their pussy hats and all but they were not entired to a platform to that is fundamentally antiwoman. If they really were feminists they could have said “personally I believe that abortion is in conflict with my religious beliefs but I understand these are

I always think it’s funny when they take images of a fetus at a very early stage of development and point out its eyes etc. And how that proves something something soul idk. But a chicken at the same stage is almost identical but they eat those without a second thought.

But while trying to strip away the rights of other women? If so they still suck.

Well I can see how a person can be pro life and otherwise very focused on social issues. But in my mind that mythical person would be 100% behind sex ed/free contraception/education/mat (pat)leave/sick days/living wage/ etc. And would reserve their personal believesfor themselves while helping to create a world which

Exactly! I’m pro choice, but for me I don’t know if I would ever have an abortion. I don’t know if I would be comfortable with it. But I have never been in that situation so I don’t think its possible to really know how I would feel. But regardless I sure as hell don’t judge another woman’s choice.

Me too! I’m literally crying in my kitchen! I’m not American but so bloody proud of everyone marching today! Be safe! May the force be with you.

Didn’t she do it AFTER she was dishonorably discharged for assaulting a female officer? That’s the greater good?

She didn’t have a transgender status when she was sentenced. She began to transition after the fact-in prison. It had nothing to do with the length of her sentence.

Is girl guides the same as scouts? I don’t remember the god stuff either (a former brownie, guide, senior branch, and fluffy owl)

But no one cares about them do they? These special rules only apply to her. She is super sad, so she is now free to go

You are right. But who is that different from any other prisoner? Most don’t have support, most don’t get mental health treatment/education/etc. In prison to make better choices. Prison doesn’t rehabilitate most people. It’s not right but it’s reality.

I don’t think that prison be difficult for her should have any role to play in this decision. Whi doesn’t struggle in prison? How many people attempt suicide in prison? Should they all get out? Of course not.

I’m pretty sure they have. I remember the diaper question (it was a no)

India has very interesting ideas on gender and sexual behaviour. There is a ton of ethnographic research on the area. Part of the problem is that men are literally taught that they can’t control themselves so they are used to having a prostitution network of women(and children) available at all times.

Oh I hate the labels. I think they do far more harm than good. And our binary system just doesn’t make any sense. I don’t always meet the social determinations of “female” but it has nothing to do with me our system is just deeply flawed. Maybe anot her system would work better but honestly I would love to see

My understanding is that asexual (for some) doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy sex or find it disgusting but that the desire for it just isn’t there. But like everything I guess it’s different for every one.