
I loved that guy when I was a kid. Looking back on it, I wonder if having a blood sucking monster teaching me numbers was the best idea my parents had. I highly doubt the Count would get past censors today. Or he would be sparkley and ruined.

I think the real question is why the hell wouldn’t you want to?

Seriously, this is one of the reasons I stopped going to shows!

Omg every time she donates, people talk about how it’s just an act but I think she’s shown a clear compassion for giving. Half the stories about her charity are from the organisations or people she helps, thanking her. Not her announcing IVE DONE A GOOD THING. I’m a pessimist, but sometimes people can be so goddamn

I loved how when Cooper asked him if he was a good role model for youth Baldwin just said “no, next question.” Proving that Fictional Trumps are smarter then the original is possible to be.

I’m just happy to see musicians I like in Dirt Bag. I am old.

The hand gestures are what sell it for me. They are perfect.

This was dead on. I especially loved the part with the black man, “Denzel,” in the audience and asking a question. “You know who else should be in jail? Hillary Clinton...she’s basically a black.”

Baldwin kicked up an notch since last SNL and his impression is much better.

The fact that Trump is tweeting about Baldwin is reason enough for SNL to keep poking him.

Alec Baldwin is the best Trump impersonator I’ve seen. His jowly scowl is perfection.

I too like to announce my stalkerish wedding plans to a strange teenagers since they are known collectively as gentle and caring listeners.

Can you even imagine a world in which we decided who to vote for based on issues like the economy? How lovely would it be if both parties respected basic human rights and only differed on things like government spending.

Isn’t it such a relief to watch? They don’t do any of the obnoxious loud countdowns or confessional interviews like on the Food Network. The contestants just experiment, bake, and present. I loved that the judges were always hopeful that odd combinations would succeed, and they were like disappointed parents when

GBBO is the cooking show version of the Joy of Painting. Like, just beautiful and wonderful and relaxing.

While I don’t find Howard Stern entertaining or amusing in the slightest, and have never listened to more than about half an hour of one show, I think the key difference is that Stern knowingly makes his crude comments for their entertainment value whereas Trump is dead serious.

Where were you twenty years ago when people were mad about Stern? 

That’s so beautiful I think I might cry. I mean, the elephant’s anus is Trump’s mouth. [weeps]


Don’t know...