
Wow. I didn’t even catch this gem the first time around this morning:

I’m inclined to agree. I have a tiny business as well. Really, my employees are the ones doing me the favor - without them I’d simply have to close shop. The idea of using some loophole to not pay them a fair wage seems ghastly.

I run a small (tiny) business, and really, this law is looooong overdue. Pay people for the work they do or for the hours they work, and stop making excuses about how this will hurt - think of the people working long, hard hours for minimal compensation. If overtime is expensive for the employer in dollars, it is even

Why? So you can angrily type away again, or give me a virtual pat on the back? It doesn’t matter what I, or anyone else thinks, or does. A parent’s negligence caused a 17 year old member of an endangered species to be killed. People have a right to be outraged at this. That is normal human behavior. If you’ve ever

My heart breaks that he had to be shot. Logically I know they did the right thing. Never would I want to hear about a child getting mauled by any animal or anything tragic. I still think his mom was careless and if she had payed a bit more attention, he told her his plans? Maybe this wouldnt have happened.

I freaking applaud parents who have the balls (metaphorical or otherwise) and good sense to leash the runners. I was a runner. I was a leashed kid. The leash is why I’m alive as an adult. And as an adult I get plowed into by unleashed runners. Happened at the zoo, kid cut my knees right out and it was one of those

We would have been caring for our children. That kid had to make a huge, protracted effort to get into the enclosure. The “parents” had no visual or auditory contact with him during this time. That is gross negligence, and an animal who had done nothing wrong was killed because of it. You obviously want to live in a

Apparently she was on her phone when it happened, according to several witnesses. The child, also according to several witnesses, was asking his mother to go into the enclosure, he wanted to go in the water. Cell phone, gorillas, other wild animals, and toddlers. None of these go together.

It’s fucking tragic that they had to shoot an endangered gorilla and I’m still pretty upset about it, but even my crazy vegan animal loving hippie self realizes that you have to save the life of the 4 year old child here.

You might wanna reread. I did not say she was probaby lying. I asked if it was plausible.

In this one case I’m curious of this as well. I found it surprising way back when they even started dating, since as far as I “think” she said, she was a lesbian. But suddenly Johny Depp from on high rolls along and she’s not.

So I admit I’m biased in that I thought she was sort of opportunistic from day one.

Also, and

it’s not worth it —- i’m a bad person because i don’t 100% believe her. got it — you win internet.

Since I can’t edit my post anymore: I think it’s plausible he did it and plausible he didn’t do it. It’s all speculation at this point.

ALL of these questions have gone through my head. There is nothing in my mind that doesn’t deny the very likely and plausible reality that Johnny Depp loves a toxic relationship. But all of this feels so — hurried? I suppose that’s the right word. And who’s to say that she didn’t push him a little farther than usual

I’ll probably get shit for pulling this out of the gray BUT:

I have a truly honest, non-trolling question.

......BOTTOM LINE: you and many, MANY other Jezzies HARM true victims by insisting EVERY woman tells the truth......YOU HAVE NO IDEA

That’s kind of my point. We don’t know. And we have no knowledge. This post kind of assumes we should think Lily doesn’t know as much as we do.

How dare she? I mean, seriously.

......the absolute HARDEST part about reading Jezebel is the ABSOLUTE denial women are in that other women LIE. Not all, but just like with men, people are lie, and so do women.....Just because a person without a dick says something does not make it not belittle legitimate victims of violence