
Yes! Exactly, I have a degree in Anthropology with a focus on gender formation and sexuality in Islam. It drives me insane that we (western) world will condemn practices without bothering to actually understand can you force a change without knowing WHY* things happen? Is it any wonder why history repeats

Behind the Veil explores these ideas very well. These details are vitally important. In some cultures hospitality is THE most important thing. It doesn’t make sense from a western perspective but as it happens there are others, and failing to recognize that is a huge problem. You cannot divorce the story from its

This interpretation is actually the most common by modern (liberal) biblical scholars. This is also a favourite passage of bigots used to justify their homophobic bs. The culture of the time can’t simply be ignored, and it shouldn’t be. So much of the hateful crap in the Bible looses it’s power when it’s evaluated in

I said something similar above, it is actually a really interesting historical point. I do not thinking that ignoring the context of the day and age is helpful in any way. Cultural relativism is so important.

This isn’t about being gay. It actually more likely an issue of the man being a “guest” and therefore subject to the protection of his host. Issues relating to hospitality were highly complex and inextricably linked to family honour. In some cultures they still are. Either way it’s horrific but it’s not about

That was my take on it too. I am so conservative and so uptight about other people being over exposed. tbh even breast feeding makes me uncomfortable (I know how stupid that is), but yaa know that’s my problem and it must feel awesome to be so free and liberated. Good for him.

Oh I agree the Russian wasn’t a great boyfriend. I just think that they were both awful. Baby is the perfect word for their behaviour! Nothing about that relationship was appealing. My favourite line was something like “I have been to every art gallery and museum twice” Really???? In a week? And Miranda “Omg Carrie

But when that tantrum happened hadn’t they only been dating a short time? I don’t think it was longer than 6 months. Their original breakup wasn’t that far into the relationship either. I think it’s fine to actually have the details before telling her, but ultimately he just didn’t want what she did. I don’t think he

I agree! And tbf she did pay her back with interest. It is not like she took free money.

Omg! Thank you!! All day my reply buttons have been missing...I thought I was in trouble or something, but apparently I am having the same issue.

What is up with the comments? Why can’t I reply to anything aside from the original post? Am I in trouble? What’s happening!

I dunno...this is more about being a legitimately crappy hairstylist in general. They all looked terrible...but that ponytail on the Asian model drove me insane! Not only did it look painful af but that tangle/bump that she ignored?!?!? What was that!?!?!? I would not be able to function with that going on in my hair.

Actually GI Joe was originally Barbie-sized but during the war they had to downsize do to a lack of materials. I personally always wanted my Barbies to date GI Joe, I mean Ken? Really? No thanks.

That’s crazy! I would love to see her held accountable. I never got the rabid Beyonce love, and now I am seeing that the few things I did like were not even her work.

Personal preferences are fine, I have them myself. The constant body shaming is boring and the idea that a woman with a bigger ass has more value is just kinda gross.

Isn’t weird that she knew it was being filmed? I always sorta want to see her get her shit together, also would LOVE to see her scrubbed free self tanner and those extensions!

Enough with the booty shaming! Not all of us manage to have a big ass. I can’t we just agree that nice assessment come in all sizes. I would happily take either of their booties.

I’m going with no. Never thought JLO was all that talented beyond the dancing, I don’t really care for TS but she is pretty talented. Both are lovely looking in their own ways so I would call that porion a draw.

Wow! That’s absolutely ridiculous!!! A complete rip off! I am an artist myself and I completely understand inspiration but this is not that. I do not really care for Beyonce as a general rule but this is just so tacky!

Ugh no. Do not care for Beyonce at all.