
why are you writing a shitty article?? who the hell cares? its a show, set in a place that represents a time when there were very cruel actions constantly happening. it's supposed to be shocking, that's the point. your article is worthless. AV/TV Club has become such a joke. all the writers do is nitpick their

It's Larry, not Jerry, idiot. What a dumb schmuck you are.

you are a horrible reviewer, go sit on a tack

Very well said. I think AV Club needs to reevaluate who they pair up their show reviews with. I'm not asking for an idiot fanboy to praise unwarranted accolades on the show, but please give us someone that doesn't have their nose in the air as if they are the sole keeper of what good TV is.

I simply don't respect the idea that this single person's opinion and personal bias make for a well rounded and engaging review. It's one thing to find fault and flaws in a show and then properly explain them, but the reviews of this show have simply been cry-baby whining. It's bad reviewing is what it is. I respect

decent review, but again, like all TV Club reviews in the pat year, its all "here's what was bothering me, wah wah wah." I'm pretty sick of you reviewers lamenting your own horrible bias all over the place.

Great episode!! Loving this show. I don't need, nor do I want a mini Marvel movie in each episode. What I want to know is are kids and families enjoying watching this show, cuz I know no one here who posts fits that bill. So continue to whine. It's got a full season, and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it!

Horrible review from horrible reviewers. I swear you guys must be watching this show with arms crossed and brows furrowed, just waiting to jump on any little thing that you deem inferior to whatever show you have playing up in your heads.

I'm right there with you. It's just backgrounds. If your eye is wandering around all over the place instead of focused on the characters, then perhaps you should get checked for ADD. This show is a lot of fun to watch and I love it when they combine characters to put new twists on things, Knave is Will Scarlet,

Zack, 2 paragraphs about the cgi. What a waste of space in a review. Just shut up about it already. Did you ever think that wonderland should look wonky and weird. But you're all like "boo hoo, I can't focus on the show because of visual effects, wahhhh" What a whiny baby you are.

I'm loving this show, seriously having a blast with it.  I think they've completely found the right level of silly vs scary and have some characters that I thoroughly enjoy watching on screen.  Looking forward to seeing where the story takes us!!

Wow, what a shitty review. 6 paragraphs of complaining.  I hope you didn't get paid for this.

Damnit!  We've been Jammed!!

I was very much hoping that we would get a cool reveal that Neal was also Peter Pan (there was a reference a few eps back that he was familiar with Hook and the Jolly roger) and that Tamara would be Tiger Lilly.  Would have been cool that Neal was the first "lost boy" and didn't age in Neverland as the people in

This episode was fantastic. Dear reviewer, you're analysis of the beginning is way off the mark!!
Nothing about Rick's decision making was dumb.  He was struggling with trying to save the many of the group but ultimately decided he couldn't do that. I think you're assuming that the characters should think like you do,

Frickin nitpicky as all hell.  I understand the earnest nature of a review and analysis, but most of the time it just seems like these reviewers are looking for any minor thing to string the show up by.  I don't think this show is infallible, but this was a great episode through and through.  I usually find episodes

This was a great episode all around.

Horrible review.
All this is, is a schmuck saying why he doesn't like this show. Get a reviewer who enjoys watching the show first, then come back with something!

These HIMYM reviews are needlessly harsh.  Get the stick out of your a$$ and stop complaining when shows like this are still a million times better than 99% of the rest of the drivel on TV.

I don't know, maybe it was the sheer excitement of the show returning, but I though this was a pretty great start to the second half of the season. And I don't think "lack of depth" in characters is a really viable argument against the show. I think in this type of world that the characters exist in, most peoples