Call him anyway. Be a thorn in his side. Tell him you will raise money for anyone that challenges him, Republican or Democrat, in his next election.
Call him anyway. Be a thorn in his side. Tell him you will raise money for anyone that challenges him, Republican or Democrat, in his next election.
I’d just like to say that this resistance to Donald Trump would have been nicer before the election. Your hatred towards HC was part of the problem. And Bernie is responsible for a lot of that. So I would also like to say: Fuck Bernie Sanders.
Is Tealstar Angel Barta of SeaWorld? 🤔🤔🤔
I read that when I was pregnant and stuck inside because of the polar vortex, going to go read I again now. SO GOOD!
It will hurt, but both of you will come through it ok. You are brave. It is better for both of you to be true to yourselves. The temporary pain will be worth the new lives you will both will lead.
I’m just commenting to voice my praise for the delightful commentariat and writers since I’m kind of worried about what’s going to happen.
Yeah- total classic- I’ll never forget Michelle Obamas reaction after Hillary delivered this:
The “well she’s better than Trump” brush off boils my blood. To be clear, I’ll take it all the way to the White House, but fuck you for completely ignoring and/or discrediting her entire life’s work. What the fuck have you done, bro?