
Just one opinion: I paid off debt first, and while it retrospect it worked out, it was a gamble. What I’d suggest for both you and past me is to figure out an absolute minimum you’re comfortable with (for me a solid month of expenses), throw the rest into credit card debt, and then resume saving to get a real cushion.

Agreed it’s a big number, but really that highlights how crazy so many cities get when doling out subsidies.

It’s weirdly hard to find the details on financing, and I had to pull together a lot of different sources so it’s worth double checking. Generally the the public subsidy is pretty low, as far as NFL stadiums (stadia?) go. Looks like $180 million in sales tax breaks, $60 million for road and utility work, and $8

Always like to throw a shoutout to FRED, the Fed’s public data tool that’s super easy to use if you want to look up inflation in any of its flavors (or any other macroeconomic data)

Short answer is yes. There’s a ton of ongoing data collection to get the various inflation numbers and they factor in unit sizes as well. Sizes are the easy part, the really tough one comes with qualitative changes.

We can even take it another level: individual Ohio State player signs an endorsement deal with Nike and the NCAA steps in to suspend the student and punish the program.

Not to mention the fact that schools can already cut players at any time, for any reason. Not only that, but a coach can prevent a player from even transferring to a better situation. So no pay, no security, and no freedom to choose employer (college) vs pay, no security, and freedom to choose employer (pros).

Having an emotional connection with someone you trust is generally a good way to describe a friend. My god, everyone’s in on it!

Yeah, there are a bunch of different effects at work. Higher deposit rates will be an incentive to reduce risk and push away from loans, while on the other end the slightly slower economy will reduce equity prices.

Do you think we’ll see any viewer interactivity in TV in the near future? I was reminded of an old Joseph Gordon Levitt interview where he discussed the idea in the context of movies, but given (a) how generally responsive shows are to viewers now, (b) the rise of cult TV with really devoted viewers, (c) the growth of

On the other hand, it can be weirdly deflating to get your financial act together. I spent about 6 months educating myself and working hard to set up my budget and get accounts started. Once I was finished with that initial phase of activity, the next step was “just keep on the path.” Went from very active to very

I was always shocked that the final 3L semester didn’t have “the Bar Exam” as an elective. I would’ve rather studied that in school than the random course I filled in with that was interesting, but provided no actual value.

“we should not meddle with it”

What’s the hypocrisy? Humans change environment, greens try to reduce that change. Seems like it’s exactly “preserving earth’s natural environment.”

It took 13 months, the Fraternal Order of Police (back when they didn’t think anyone would see it) lied about its contents, and a group of officers went in and erased security camera footage from a nearby Burger King that caught the shooting.

That’s good info, and makes me feel very comfortable about the autopilot those savings are on.

Any idea if the number it spits out is inflation adjusted? Couldn’t find that info. For me (36 years out) it just about works out to a 50% difference, and given what it comes out to my best guess is that it’s a nominal amount.

Sure, but in that case you’re better off adding weight or instability. Doing the pushup will burn more calories, but it won’t add any benefit in terms or core strength. Presumably if you’re already doing planks, you’re also doing upper body work as well.

Thanks. There was also a good response with a general guideline for 20-40 sets per muscle group. It’s interesting to me because the most intense strength-building program I’ve ever used kept to an aggregate of only 30-36 total reps, while bodybuilding programs often pile on sets. As you say though, recovery/nutrition