What a shocker. The Canadian liberals can’t even “counter-protest” without making it gay. I don’t think the truckers are gonna lose much sleep over a song when they can counter by honking all night long.
What a shocker. The Canadian liberals can’t even “counter-protest” without making it gay. I don’t think the truckers are gonna lose much sleep over a song when they can counter by honking all night long.
You guys are disgusting liberal cunts go get a life you money grabbin pieces of shits. FUCK TRUDEAU. covid has been around for years. Why in the last 2 years is the government in control. Taking away the freedom of Canadian citizens. The liberal government is corrupt. why is it that every death that we here about is…
If you think this is about science
What I find funny is Ottawa citizens are trying to hijack by implying the truckers are gay as an insult or to make the uncomfortable. This is incredibly wrong and damaging and if the Truckers were doing this would be strongly and roundly condemned. This shouldn’t be championed and cheered, but strongly condemned…
You make these “right wing extremists” sound like they’re the liberals that started looting during black lives matter rallies. Calling them extremists shows your lack of insight on the real world (fuck your digital twitter echo chamber). You make these people sound like terrorists while you have ppl using bigoted…
What a garbage article. There is no “science” that all you morons on here are arguing the truckers aren’t following. If there were actually science we wouldn’t be still living under the same moronic mandates two years later, doing the exact things over and over and expecting different results. Real clever all the…
Buddies at the protest we're all dancing and laughing at the song. Nobody was offended, nobody cares. We all thought it was hilarious keep it up!
Just end the mandate and they will go home. It's pretty simple
What lies you all tell, the Canadians and the world are in favor of the truckers!
I thought jalopnik was a site for car enthusiasts, not pasty white liberal terrorists
Pasty whit jalopnik liberal white supremacists don't know that a large portion of Canadian truckers are brown, a term in Canada primarily for east Indians, often Pakistanis. I'll educate you: none of them are white supremacists, Nazis, confederates, or any other pejorative your kind accuses them if in your…
This op Ed would be juvenile if it weren't so overtly racist and hateful. Grow up. Grow up baby Trudeau and quit abusing your own citizens
So how many times you gonna bend over for the jab or booster that doesn’t do jack shit? Seriously look at statistics and look around at how much it has prevented?
Fascists will try everyting to stop the truth
Block some roads and honk some horns in protest of authoritarian draconian measures that have been proven pretty much worthless and without merit.. racist, Nazi terrorists!
Liberal progressives...party of tolerance and inclusion...
Probably just one trucker getting another’s pronouns mixed up after a few beers 🙄
Leave to the site to be against the truckers. Well people may be inconvenienced right now they need to be supported... all they’re doing is asking for their own freedoms. The chatter the story talks about is fiction they’ve already interviewed some of these people and they said they have no plans for the super bowl or…
You people are hysterical. Funny how people can be as stupid and ignorant and incapable of understanding anything outside your whiny aby bubble as you peole. Maybe if instead you just STFU and leave people alone you wouldn’t be “inconvenienced” now like you have imposed and continue to impose on others. If you don't…
It’s a “peaceful protest”.