
I don’t understand the taboo of declaring early pregnancies on the chance of something going wrong. Fact is, 1 in 4 pregnancies will end in miscarriage. Now that we have extremely early home pregnancy tests, what used to be what a lot of women thought was a “bad period” is an early miscarriage. I think it’s weird that

Please do not be that person who says something to the effect of “Well, they shouldn’t have talked about it so early...” or “that’s what you get for putting everything online,” blahblahblah. Just be better. Try to be sympathetic and let them mourn.

They’ve repeatedly done studies that show that teenagers bodies are on a different internal clock that puts them to sleep later, and wakes them up later. And yet every single article about starting school later, there’s countless comments about how soft and weak people are now. Waking up early is not a moral issue. I

Oh man, the comments are going to be terrible on this.

The low FODMAP diet, which is recommended for people with IBS, IBD, Crohn’s, and other digestive problems, has you avoid wheat/rye/barley and says to eat gluten free pasta, bread, noodles, etc. I have terrible irritable bowel syndrome and my doctor put me on it and the diet works like an absolute charm. Kinda wish

To be that person: yes, plenty of people just say they are gluten sensitive. But many more go to GI specialists and endure all of the tests and diets to find out what is wrong with them. As my specialist said once, there comes a point when it doesn’t matter what it’s called or what the label is. A food is making you

Why are people stalin on giving their approval?

This clearly flies in the face of everything that Maxxism stands for. Hell you might as well just go to Lenins & things.

I love how every thread in the I Thee Dread section involves someone proclaiming that they “would NEVER have ... at their wedding” and that “(something that someone did at their wedding) is a stupid tradition that needs to go away”. I guess getting married is an open invitation to snotty singles to be judgy bitches.

No, no, she is clearly old enough to know not to put food in her mouth that doesn’t belong to her. She is using big words and walking on her own and everything. And even if she was having a rough day and so had regressed a bit (it happens to all babies when they’re tired and stressed), her caretakers should have

“Ladies leave your bags at home, the store is full of paper ones and totes make me groan.

Peter Piper picked a peck of prick pics.

And I think we can all agree that pics of leaking dicks are worst of all.

I don’t know. I spent it watching on of the Grateful Dead’s final shows at a friends house holding my new son. I think mine was pretty spectacular.

I once tried to text “Bah humbug” to a friend of mine who was being overly chipper during the holiday season. My phone autocorrected to “Vag humdinger”. And now that is what I say all the time.

It’s how I found out I am a parseltongue. It spoke such wonders to me.

As that kid/now adult who is totally destroyed if/when I see or hear about an animal dying, this is awful. If I were a kid in that class and they voted to eat Pablo, I would have been traumatized. It really sucks that those kids who are emotionally invested in the class fish can get outvoted and will have to watch it