
This seems to be a common theme, people trying to gain empathy for a disadvantaged group by literally putting themselves in their shoes. Being poor for a day, dressing up in a fat suit, disguising yourself as a different ethnicity, wearing blindfolds, going around in a wheelchair, etc.

I've actually been turning this over in my mind quite a bit, not least because I have tremendous respect for you as a voice on the Internet and am almost weirdly 'star struck' by having you reply to me, especially when it comes to something that's so directly challenging to a beloved character on my favorite show. I

Take a deep breath, have some wine and reflect on yourself. Next time a friend comes to you with a problem you say "sorry you are having a difficult time, hope you figure it out soon". Make it a habit of not interferrimg to where friends lie to you because they know you will judge them. Allow your friends to be

I felt my baby move for the first time today. So that was life-altering.

1) You do not have a right to be the star of your own nationally-syndicated television show. That is a huge, huge privilege that is bestowed upon a very, very small amount of people in the entire nation. It's ok to have standards, like, must be competent, and must not be a horrible person.

Let's clarify a few things! I'm actually pretty much obsessed with etiquette and politeness. That's why I said "sorry," before I even asked the guy to move. I didn't touch him or get in his space in any way when I reached up to put my bag in the bin. I didn't "lean over him." In fact, I put my bag in the bin behind

I hear you. As a white mother, I named my daughter a "weird" name. I did get a ton of pushback, especially when she was little, but at no point did it have racial undertones. I remember thinking this - if we were minorities, I bet these rude oldheads would turn their distain racial. And I thought about how my white

Absolutely! It's just a silly rib about how we black folks name our children! Like that "Le-a/Lee-dash-a" one that's ever so popular on Stormfront... That's a real knee-slapper, that one is!! Why don't we lighten up?

Also some of his defenders seem to be ignoring the fact he himself already has acknowledged it was an issue, deleted it and apologized (notice how the world and comedy as we know it didnt come to an end), so its funny the people criticizing what he said are actually the ones that are on the same page as him on this.

I am Catholic. In the catechism it states "A human being must always follow the certain judgment of his conscience. If he were to deliberately act against it he would condemn himself." Catechism of the Catholic Church #1790). What this means, is that if in your conscience, you truly disagree with the church (the

Once again HermioneStranger's comments are the best thing about the article I am reading.

Good. Sex work is dangerous enough. These laws just made it more dangerous. The law against "living off the avails of prostitution" (or "pimping") just made it so that not only could the spouses or roommates of sex workers be sent to jail, but sex workers could not higher body guards, drivers, managers, or anyone else

If I were ever forced to choose whose work to read, yours or Laura's, and I'd never get to read the other's again, that would seriously be on the level of Sophie's Choice for me. I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS, THAT IS THE TRUTH.

Something I apparently inherited from my dad without realizing it is a tendency to address the family pets with a lot of barely-rhymed gibberish. Had a golden retriever named Tucker that led to a lot of unfortunate stanzas.

"But they said there are no cats in America and the streets are paved with cheese."

Every year I attend a wonderful rabbit show at Bethpage Restoration Village in Long Island. The Angora rabbits are not only adorable and extremely fluffy, they are also one of the most docile, calm breeds. Last year, I saw a woman with a beautiful white angora rabbit on her lap, gently brushing the fiber loose, and

Authorities currently have a suspect in custody.

I'd be pretty pissed off if there was a giant middle finger in Christmas lights shining into my living room for 3 weeks of the year.

A very quick story:

I just had to share that my jaw dropped and my heart stopped for a second when I read that your BG was 300, then I laughed because I thought it was hyperbole, then I was concerned that your BG was high enough to joke that it was 300... then I remembered that in Canada we measure BG differently haha. You took me on a