[Insert facile segue somewhat related to post as an excuse comment using a picture of my black dogs]
[Insert facile segue somewhat related to post as an excuse comment using a picture of my black dogs]
Individual black people have the freedom to decide how to present themselves. When 50 Cent appears in public, he is appearing as himself. He has the freedom to present himself how he chooses, without being responsible for his whole race, just like Lindsay Lohan has the freedom to present herself as Lindsay Lohan, not…
The fact that one black person can somehow stand in for the entire race of black people is part of the problem here. Your post is straight up racist.
No..... That's called being an individual making personal choices.
Ok, as simple as I possibly can:
I'm glad we are bringing light to this, as the devil is in the details. Whenever people talk about rape as about some expression of an innate sexual urge in "all men", I just wish that they would truly examine what goes on in a rape. Not all rapes are this obviously brutal, but brutality is part and parcel with all…
At first I thought this would be terrible. Then I realised that JKR is writing the screenplay and I was like:
I've been reading Dirt Bags for years and years and I still can't shake the habit of reading the attributions as reactions. Comme ci:
I think "Fucking Kinja: How Does It Work?" is a snappier title.
"no matter how consensual..."
Cher 'unretouched'? Ha, my ass. Maybe not after the pic was snapped, but I can't see how that's any different than all the retouching that went on in her plastic surgeon's office.
You're getting some shit for this comment, so I wanted to chime in and just say thanks. I've often been frustrated with the comparative silence (or silencing) of moderate and liberal Christians. I know you're out there, and I know you're the majority. It's nice to hear someone speak up.
"religious people in the US" - no. Not even most of them. There's nothing special about being in the US that makes religious people literalists. And, in case you hadn't noticed, it's not like literalism is confined to the US. Seriously, if you can't tell the difference between the Lutherans and the Episcopalians, and…
Come on, mayfly! I love me some bolds and italics (as I just told you earlier). They're fun!
Sorry for the late response. Seconds after I submitted this, I left to go out with my sister.
This is maybe a nitpick, but - literalism is a fairly new theological phenomenon. Things like Noah's Ark used to be taken in a more metaphorical sense, to varying degrees. And the whole religion vs science thing is, again, fairly modern, and in part because of the rise of literalism.
The fact is, OP didn't say which branch she subscribed to, only that she didn't agree with some of the more right wing/oppressive views espoused by some branches and to say that being a humanist/feminist/ally isn't mutually exclusive with being a Christian.
I come from an insanely diverse religious background (mom was raised Presbyterian, dad raised Reform Jewish, she converted to Unitarian, he converted to Hindu, and what do you know? I happen to be totally agnostic) so I have a pretty decent handle on the subject.You're using a super broad definition of Christianity…
Christina giving that Debut!Tina youthful glow realness, looking present (ahem) and like she's actually having a good time. I dig it. This is not an official video as much as it is a video specifically for the fans who REALLY wanted this song to be an official single. Good to see that she's happy n shit. I should be…
So, I'm about to do some stan shit. But it beez like that sometimes