Okay. One more time. She isn’t the only one at fault for how crazy the situation got. Not by a long shot. Never said that she was 100% to blame, only that she was the ONLY one continuing to escalate it.
Okay. One more time. She isn’t the only one at fault for how crazy the situation got. Not by a long shot. Never said that she was 100% to blame, only that she was the ONLY one continuing to escalate it.
Right? We’re seriously at the point where you get in trouble because other people are fighting, and you’re somehow expected to intervene in a situation that obviously has no favorable outcome for you?
The poor man was clearly flustered after having been brutally assaulted by those two miscreants, and was so disoriented that he accidentally put his vehicle in reverse while actually trying to make a hasty escape forward!
Theeeeeeeeeeeeere’s the “ur saying she was asking 4 it misogyny!” I was expecting.
The situation was over.
I do not agree with your notion that an individual continuing to stoke the flames of aggression after all other parties involved are attempting to leave the scene is somehow not responsible for the situation escalating further.
When all other people involved are getting back into their cars and getting ready to leave and the woman is the only one who, against the clear objection of her partner, is continuing to escalate the situation?
I took that as “I’ve been screaming at you since before the video began to get back in the damn truck and every time the situation starts to die down you fucking go back and start flapping your goddam mouth so fuck it you can stay here and argue for all I care”
It would be especially surprising, given that he went and filed a police report with all of his address and contact information, and the people in the truck are (presumably) still on the run.
Was any information provided regarding the custody battle for the bison during the course of the divorce, or did the husband only try to lay claim to the resulting meat?
Right? After appearing to single-handedly escalating the situation right up until she gets the drink thrown at her, the shock she has when she gets hit after stepping into the middle of a fight is very confusing.
I dunno....she took it well in that she didn’t drop to the ground immediately after, but it did send her into an immediate “stand in place and scream at top of lungs” state.
I highly doubt they were aware that there was video of the incident prior to filing charges. Even if they didn’t throw the drink, it’s generally frowned upon (even in Texas) to assault people just because they kicked your car, and then assault a woman trying to break it up (even if she was pretty much responsible for…
It’s Pokeman, if you will
I’m sorry, but this is a completely pointless idea. What makes anyone think that these people will listen to what is taught in the class, instead of writing it off as “another wave of propaganda funded by Big Pharma”?
Well in that scenario there’s no evidence to suggest that the officer was targeted simply because he was an officer, so I don’t think that’s a plausible scenario.
I agree that it’s ill-conceived and essentially unnecessary, but how is it a civil rights nightmare waiting to happen?
After watching that commercial above, it’s clear he’s not a copyright attorney either.
Definitely. I don’t get the people defending her saying “this is what you know you’re in for when you buy Lauryn Hill tickets!”
Would you happen to be talking about Voodoo Fest?