Yes, just like how they roll you over with a tank every time you order food at your local Chinese restaurant.
Yes, just like how they roll you over with a tank every time you order food at your local Chinese restaurant.
Can never un-see.
You genuinely think this is an important conversation? This isn’t someone trying to re-imagine anything as a happy meeting of cultures - they’re not saying that this period of time was particularly beneficial or amazing for some cultures; hell, it doesn’t even look like they reference the colonialism in any aspect…
I wouldn’t mind getting a glimpse into the writing department you guys actually feel outrage at this simplistic crap, or do you just sit around and think about what you can get the readers angry over?
Keep an eye out for the 2 Camelz mix tape, dropping soon
Replying to this old article to reiterate the point that you know your shit. The US has brought a pair of Broncos out to fight ISIS as an experiment, and has provided the Afghan army with 4 Super Tucanos for the same purpose. You honestly don’t get enough credit for how right you are, literally all the time.
He only killed 3 people, he’ll be fine - just tell the judge that he was raised in a rich household and doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong.
You get out of here with your logic and hesitation to jump to immediate outrage!
“Doing your own concept art is twice the work? ;)“
Aside from the camel/donkey and gunfight issues, which are pretty ridiculous, and the inaccurate national flag which is just lazy, this seems like a huge overreaction.
Probably just me, but I always skip over the Assassin’s Creed/Arkham clips on these videos. The fact that these games were pushed out as such glitchy messes, and that they occur so frequently, kinda’ diminishes the humor in them for me.
I came here to make the “Wu and Me Both” joke. Am I too late? Did someone else make it already?
I came here just to type this - going off of the article’s example of “You need permission to use logos and photos in a game,” can the same not be said for logos and photos in television broadcasts?
I, for one, am just shocked that a Seattle resident could be so uppity and self-righteous. You never see this kind of behavior from the Pacific Northwest.
You must be new here, then! Welcome to Gawker!
I’m so inept at relationship building that I’ll never need/read this article, but it needs to be said that the art team killed it again.
Anyone else think that this recent string of events just completely confirms the lawyers’ assertions of affluenza?
“It doesn’t matter that he didn’t specify WHY he dislikes Al Jazeera! It’s owned by brown people, so saying that he doesn’t trust it is inherently racist, regardless of his actual motivation!”
Yeah! I meany sure, Al Jazeera is owned and has been shown in the past to be at least slightly under the control of/biased by the Qatari government, and he didn’t give any specific reason for disliking the publication, but clearly the only reason he wouldn’t like their reporting is because he’s racist!
Well in all fairness, everyday citizens have no problem getting support when they claim their lives are ground to a screeching halt after someone uses an “offensive” word in their direction.