
I don't think you understand how to use the word "apparently" either. That would only work if I offered any sort of counter argument and not just an observation.

Not too well versed on theology, are we?

These are great, thanks. I also have been getting a lot of play out of the Bandcamp app and the weekly 1.5 hour radio show featuring new albums and artists, also found on the site homepage.

Yeah me too. That's been a thing that kept me from buying a Macbook the last couple of years.

I'm now forced to deal with all of this, because my decent older laptop I just installed the Win8 pro upgrade download on kicked the bucket. The hard drive is brand new so it's good. So what do you clone your installs to? other drives or partitions? And how much of a headache is it to transfer that clone to a

I too use Ubuntu 90+% of the time, but when I'm in Windows, I use Dexpot which is a highly customizable Windows workspace and window management program. It also works well with multiple monitors due to a recent update. It's one option of many, but I've been very satisfied with it.

Thanks for the reviews. I've recently been in the market for a tactical LED torch:

Yeah there is sometimes hiccups along the way, but the future looks very bright Ubuntu and Linux in general. Any friend I've done some tech support for that I've encouraged to try it has ended up very grateful.

I disagree... Ubuntu may have taken some queues here and there from others, but the evolution of their Unity integration and innovation has really brought it into its own and is not really comparable to others anymore. It's definitely different, so if someone doesn't like its differences that's understandable.. but

haha yeah. I'm all for early adoption, innovative use of technology, being green.... yadda yadda, but I'd prefer we operate with some sense as we do it.

Are you familiar with Nixnote(Nevernote)? It's a well done native client, but I'm not sure about making the templates on it at this point. On Ubuntu I generally use Nixnote, or the Chrome web-app, or a web-app using the new Fogger app.

Get out of here with your sense making.

What was wrong with your childhoods that any of you would be confused on how this cartoon works? My heart hurts for you. Go watch it.

Ppppfffftttttt. Like making sense is any way to win an argument.....

I did this a few weeks ago, and I chose Google every time. The search results were almost the same, but different orders, and Google's made more sense. For instance, "Star Wars" on Bing gave me IMDB first, whereas Google put up first, which to me makes more sense.

yeah... I read this stuff and I initially think "ads? haha.. oh yeah, sad people and their lack of browser add-ons. How annoying the Internets must be for them."

Right on. But most importantly, iTunes is a racket and is not to be trusted. Amazon always is cheaper for digital, and besides that if you can wait a couple days, buy a used CD on Amazon and rip it to save even more! $5 mp3 albums each month, and $3-5 used CDs will save you tons over iTunes BS. (or even better, $1-2

It actually follows a logic flow, and you can read about it with each iteration of Android and how they've tried to streamline it with each new release.

... for some sideline commentary: Zune was actually a good player and the desktop software was visually appealing and easy to use. I still use mine from time to time when I don't want to drain my phone battery for long mobile listening sessions.

on Ubuntu it is: