Warren Oates

You seem to speak from long experience, I see...

I don’t consider the truth to be a zinger. But maybe you need to re-read your posts and understand you’re not funny.

You need to stop failing at ‘your thing’ so badly then.

Holy shit...I only just now realized that Michael B Jordan from “Creed” is “Wallace”. I literally never put two and two together.

Actually, all evidence point to Mr. Oates being a bit of a hell raiser and not that ‘chill’ other then when he was smoking some good herb...he actually described himself as a “Conservative Anarchist”.

The worst kind of me he’s the same guy as someone who claims to listen to ‘everything’ but in reality knows what he likes and will give you a blank stare when you bring up something he’s never heard of.


You can’t even get this right: everyone knows the best Mads is Forrester and TV’s Frank

Well that relates back to his thesis on Bunny v Hare...

That’s poetry right there.

Oh, absolutely. But I can’t feel complete without having him EXPOUND on why he’s more attuned to this than us, and why he’s a clearly far superior moral being.

I’ll have you know I use lotion for said ass, and it’s not chapped. But thanks for inquiring!

We get it, you’re a pious douche bag...

I feel like you must be the guy who says stuff like “In HS I hung out with every group and was friends with jocks, nerds, burn outs etc” when in reality those people are generally disliked by all of said groups.

Waiting on smug superiority post from Recognitions in 3,2,1...

We’re saving that for the College years...

Not even ironically?

I can’t wait for season four where the four boys become lecherous sex crazed teens who are determined to get laid.

The hipster in me is disappointed you didn’t say “Wanted Man”