Warren Oates

I’m not denying it helps: my point is it’s not the only thing. Reading comprehension isn’t your strong point either, huh?

Considering the fanboy level of the Ventures towards Bowie that’s a pretty good guess.

For Christmas, I’ll get you a nice large cross. This way when you feel unappreciated for all your sacrifices you can climb up and nail yourself on it.

But what if I’m in the apathy party and tend to only wear gray?

Note I added “a person of color” in it on the hope you could find one that wasn’t that racist...but I get that reading comprehension is hard. It’s a lot easier to just announce your holiness.

Don’t worry, I’m sure you’re award for ‘Most Pompous and Woke’ is on the way...I’m sure there’s a 1950's sitcom with a person of color in it that’s perfectly safe for you to watch.

A little bit: it’s good to confirm you’re as much of a humorless dick as I imagined, and that you project what you think peoples values are despite knowing nothing about them.

Yes, despite the rest of the comment you can only copy and paste the ‘meh’ huh? Again, I have to know: what DO you find funny? What movie doesn’t offend you that makes you laugh? Maybe a Disney film from the 40', wait, racist imagery.

Are you sure that you aren’t just a joyless dickbag that has no idea of irony, humor or sarcasm? That you may not have seen a John Waters film not named ‘Hairspray’ or read any of his collections and thus have no fucking idea of what his opinions are?

Backpedal on what? What the fuck are you even on about? Show me where my violent fantasies and pro-rape support are...and in context please. Cause taking the piss (love that English phrase) on a message board and openly advocating rape and abuse of women are two very, very different things.

Yes, the guy who literally said “I wanted hippies to walk out of the movie theater looking like they were hit over the head” and wrote such great lines like “I’ll have to change my appearance. I think I’ll dye my hair another color and start dressing like a dyke” would have no violent fantasies...

No, a better analogy would be while I realized women were people with feelings as I have both a Mother and a Sister and realize women have every right to pursue a happy and fulfilling life, having three daughters gave me even more cause to want to ensure this.

Pretty sure John Waters would listen to you for about a minute before putting a cigarette out on your face...

Yes, cause having a black friend is exactly the same premise as having children and the bonds therein...that’s some great spatial logic there.

Make sure you never watch “Multiple Maniacs” by John Waters then...cause rape by giant lobster is pretty damn funny Chief.

Wow, way to deflect...or do you not understand altruistic and can’t admit you’re wrong, that I would have at least a personal interest in this?

I can let you know once the new AV Club moderators on apologies and being ‘woke’ let me know. Basically once ‘Recognitions’ gives the all clear I guess...

In his defense, his ‘room’ was the best of the four...

DO go on, oh beloved and exalted leader who is more woke than us mere mortals!

We already know that you’re full of shit and a pious asshole, but here we are...and what makes you think that a father of three daughters wouldn’t have even altruistic reasons to care about women being assualted, fucknut?