The best anchors (IMO) were Dan Patrick, Scott Eisen and Keith Olbermann with honorable mention to Stuart Scott.
The best anchors (IMO) were Dan Patrick, Scott Eisen and Keith Olbermann with honorable mention to Stuart Scott.
But what about your watermelons? Do you have time to get the melons in for harvest AND reap sweet, sweet justice?
I’m kind of curios as well. I’m not saying you have to pound one out while squeezing one out...
Oh boy...North East and early 70's?
Didn’t the Teenage Baboon book had a slutty chick who went off with guys and drinking and so forth? I’d have to re-read them but I remember thinking they were much more ‘adult’ than Judy Blume.
My Mom was the nude beach taker, not the old man. By the time we got in the VHS age I was living with the old man and not her.
If you were born in the very early 70's in the North’s possible. Lol.
Your old man was an honest to God KKK member? You need to give us some backstory and some updates: does he still believe in that dogma, are you against it, and so forth...
My dad LOVED Mel Brooks films. I got to see every film that came to the drive in including re-issues. I remember a great double bill of “Silent Movie” and “Young Frankenstein” vividly.
That’s a great bad song, along the lines of “Seasons in the Sun” or “DOA” by Bloodrock. Man I love those downer 70's wimp rock songs.
I remember reading that same Blume book as a kid and wondering who the hell talked about pounding the python in that way.
Is that the same way my Dad wouldn’t buy my sister a Black Cabbage Patch Kid? Besides, maybe he (the G.I. Joe) didn’t have the Kung Fu Grip and swivel eyes...
I was hoping for a scene out of “Salo” but with that fucking idiot Hannity in it...
Was that a bad TV movie from the late 70's? I’m a fan/collector of that sort of stuff and that sounds really familiar...
Woods porn in the late 70's and early 80's was a definite thing. While I grew up with Playboy in the house we didn’t have ‘real porn’ per se. Finding someones stash was always like a fucking miracle back then.
What, no love for the classic “The Pumaman”?
There ARE articles in there, you know. Why, Norman Mailer had X amount of articles about his waning libido alone...
Your Father and my old man should get together for a beer...
Well now I feel bad. My parents were very permissive and I pretty much got to watch whatever I wanted.
They BLEW it by not keeping it in the 70's. First of all that was the time of women’s marches (the ERA comes to mind) and Helen Reddy singing “I am woman”. They could have had them showing the fight against the sexist era and the changes their powers did to enable them to see they were equal or better then…