Warren Oates

Add the extra f…DORFF!


My two daughters (6 & 9) both loved it, but also were a bit sad everyone gets it in the end. That being said, they still really liked it a lot and as they've seen the rest of the films I think they liked how it tied together (especially that end!)

If it makes you feel any better, Setzer (along with Big Bad Voodoo Daddy and the rest) all failed.

"Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it" - Also, as he's the president elect, his past stupidity is more than open game.

"I don't remember in 2008 and 2012 people screaming about how the system is broke and we need test potential voters. Your team lost. Suck it up and vote in the midterms and the next general election for the person(s) you think is the best candidate and move on with your lives."

So let me see if I got this right: when a Republican says it, it's OK but when those Godless liberal scum say it/do it, it's completely wrong.

That's not quite accurate: I remember Trump LITERALLY tweeting how outraged he was in 2012 and we should march on the capital. But hey, that was then when a black president was in the white house, right?

I love that live set: but especially their version of 'Hot Burrito #2' which kicks all kinds of ass.

Big Star is one of my all time favorite bands, if not THE all time favorite (tastes change, so it usually goes between Big Star, The Clash and The Replacements).

I always liked the Star Trek guest stars personally: Shatner in his down years during the 70's is awesome. As in, awesomely 70's and overacting.


You…sicken me

Man I love your insane optimism

Jets fan here, and you're batshit crazy if you think the Jets go 10-6.

Hey, your worthless opinion is just as valid as my worthless opinion.

"Mirror mirror on the wall….will I make it to lasts call?"

Stiv Bators…and Richard Hell?!?!?!

*Shoots Johnny Mathis

Scott Scrawny…and the Hard Gainers!