I'm looking forward to HHH. Cuz $150,000 in Calgary would get you a shitty 2 bedroom condo built in 1976.
I'm looking forward to HHH. Cuz $150,000 in Calgary would get you a shitty 2 bedroom condo built in 1976.
ooooh, both my favourite Matthews!
The Gratitude Thread
It was an American guy who went, right? I might have to find/watch it again.
Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
The Wind and The Waves - Edge of Seventeen
Solomon Burke - Cry To Me
Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky
Led Zepplin - Ramble On
Magnifique - Cream on Chrome
The Grapes Of Wrath - What Was Going Through My Head
Finished The Fever and I was surprised by the ending. I shouldn't have been, knowing how and what Abbot writes about.
I had Middlesex on my list for ages, not really know what it was about but just that I should read it. It was better than I expected.
delightful is exactly how I would describe that book!
Finally watched Frank and World War Z this weekend. They were both better than I expected, but not truly great. I really liked Top Five with Chris Rock and Rosario Dawson, but I lurv Dawson, she can do no wrong.
I remember watching Local Hero as a kid and enjoying it, but for the life of me I can not remember a single thing about it.
Isn't Hollywood Suite a 4-channel bundle? Is it playing on all 4 channels?
Yes, he was really good in Mud and it was when I watched Joe that I decided I would track this kid through his career. He's really great.
I think that's what I've heard too :(
I couldn't ask that! Though I suppose I can see the logic in only wanting/needing the most recent coin.
Oh I'm up-to-date, but in the rewatch I'm about 2/3 through the first season. I think the last one I watched was the one with the baby? That sounds about right. We've been introduced to Root, Carter is on her "I'm not doing this anymore" jag, but no Bare/Bear yet.
The Gratitude Thread
I finished listening to American Nations and it was really quite fascinating. I should not have been surprised though in the lack of non-US content. Canadian & Mexican "nations" could have been covered in an extended footnote, along with the already included epilogue. Now I'm listening to The World Without Us. I…
Tornado? That's as weird as the +17C they are predicting for Friday. I blame El Nino.
Continuing the "Person of Interest" rewatch, but thinking I might start in on "The Americans" before the new season starts.
Good luck!