
I'm looking forward to HHH. Cuz $150,000 in Calgary would get you a shitty 2 bedroom condo built in 1976.

ooooh, both my favourite Matthews!

The Gratitude Thread

It was an American guy who went, right? I might have to find/watch it again.

Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
The Wind and The Waves - Edge of Seventeen
Solomon Burke - Cry To Me
Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky
Led Zepplin - Ramble On
Magnifique - Cream on Chrome
The Grapes Of Wrath - What Was Going Through My Head

Finished The Fever and I was surprised by the ending. I shouldn't have been, knowing how and what Abbot writes about.

I had Middlesex on my list for ages, not really know what it was about but just that I should read it. It was better than I expected.

delightful is exactly how I would describe that book!

Finally watched Frank and World War Z this weekend. They were both better than I expected, but not truly great. I really liked Top Five with Chris Rock and Rosario Dawson, but I lurv Dawson, she can do no wrong.

I remember watching Local Hero as a kid and enjoying it, but for the life of me I can not remember a single thing about it.

Isn't Hollywood Suite a 4-channel bundle? Is it playing on all 4 channels?

Yes, he was really good in Mud and it was when I watched Joe that I decided I would track this kid through his career. He's really great.

I think that's what I've heard too :(

I couldn't ask that! Though I suppose I can see the logic in only wanting/needing the most recent coin.

Oh I'm up-to-date, but in the rewatch I'm about 2/3 through the first season. I think the last one I watched was the one with the baby? That sounds about right. We've been introduced to Root, Carter is on her "I'm not doing this anymore" jag, but no Bare/Bear yet.

The Gratitude Thread

I finished listening to American Nations and it was really quite fascinating. I should not have been surprised though in the lack of non-US content. Canadian & Mexican "nations" could have been covered in an extended footnote, along with the already included epilogue. Now I'm listening to The World Without Us. I

Tornado? That's as weird as the +17C they are predicting for Friday. I blame El Nino.

Continuing the "Person of Interest" rewatch, but thinking I might start in on "The Americans" before the new season starts.

Good luck!