
Oh man, Jack Benny is great! All of his christmas ones are good, but yes, this ones a classic!

I have a bunch of stuff PVR'd in preparation of my fam coming for xmas. White Christmas, The Christmas Story, and The Sting. It's gonna be great!

The Philosopher Kings - You Stepped On My Life
Colin James & His Little Big Band - I'll See It Through
Wide Mouth Mason - Why
Crash Test Dummies - Afternoons and Coffee Spoons
Chantal Kreviazuk - Dear Life
The Planet Smashers - Too Much Attitude

Hey, they filmed this in the mountains near where I live in Calgary! And then the city papers had a field day a few weeks back when DiCaprio called the (normal in winter) Chinooks "evidence of global warming".

ahahah thats kind of a sad reason, that we dont have enough "outside Canada famous" people!

damn, I have heard of less than half of these movies (9) and seen only 1 (Mad Max). I guess I dont watch as many movies as I thought I did.

How has Buble not already received a star (or whatever)? Isn't he "outside of Canada" famous? Don't they do those kind of celebs first?

aww the water pump fountain, thats a great idea! And I'm with you on making gifts, but I too end up with a lot to do at the last minute.

Bought tickets for the fam to see Star Wars on Christmas Day! I'm somewhat excited and completely ignoring all the hoopla so I can see it somewhat untarnished.

I know! I've never been so sad at a worm's death before!

hahah thanks! Honestly my "search" involved looking once a few years ago and then giving up, so yah. I'll check amazon ;D

ewwww. my 7 year old cousin will love it.

You Must Build A Boat on my phone. So much that I'm dreaming of making matches of 3.

My mom, brother, and I are going to see it on Christmas Day. Bought the tickets already and the bro is super excited. I'm just happy not having to do "full on family bullshit" on christmas.

I am grateful that I have a warm apartment to go home to after (what I'm expecting to be) a cold commute tonight. And warm winter boots. And I'm continually grateful for my job that keeps me challenged enough in the day-to-day but allows me time to visit the AV Club on a regular basis!

Still working my way through The Lost Continent though not much progress made since last week. Crafty xmas presents and potluck lunches have eaten up valuable reading time.

I'm so tired. As commented earlier we had a big dump of snow last night so we had those weird orange coloured clouds you get. Its so hard to sleep with those damn clouds. Fuck that shit.

Oh man, Nightswimming is a great track

Clocks is a great song, I have yet to get tired of it. and this week the Spotify Discover Weekly playlist brought me these highlights:

Re:Stacks is my 3rd fav Bon Iver song. Its pretty.