
It's weird to me reading about the Oilers in non-Edmonton/Alberta based media. That people know or care the team exists outside of the province is strange.

Minority Report, Nov 13.

Mmm I hadn't thought of that dinner conversation, but yes, I can hold out hope for a bit more for her. (and Maggie is just a little bit sort of the worst, isn't she? The sniping between her and the older brother over the phone makes more sense to me now)

My mom had the same problem, though not just at night. Just overall sweaty-ness.

ha! every Gene Kelly movie has a random 5 minute long ballet-type dance interlude. Because he's a dancer and people need to take him seriously. This one isn't so bad, but most of the dances in American in Paris are unwatchable.

"Moses Supposes" is the most fantastic number in the whole movie. It leaves me flabbergasted every time I see it. Kelly & O'Connor were fcking incredible dancers.

Thanks! I'll check 'em out and make a list!

puppet dog? are you the puppet dog from Mr Dressup? Finnegan? HOLY CRAP YOU ARE!!

I think steampunk and fantasy. I tend not to get into fantasy, really. The Dresden Files are about as far as I like, it's fantasy but grounded in reality. I made myself read the LOTR books before the movies came out but didnt really like them. I find it hard to suspend my disbelief long enough to complete a

It's called This Is How You Die. They were both great but the 2nd book takes a different tack on The Machine.

We too! The movie is one of my all time favourites so I'm going in with sort of high expectations. My only reservation is hoping the casting of "the guy" is as great as Hansard was in the movie. Cause holy fuck, that guy brought so much emotion to those songs!

For me it was the insane use of footnotes. I can't imagine reading it on a nook/kindle/kobo and not an actual book.

Yes! El Nino means even nicer winters that we usually have here!

Sure, but my brain still doesnt like it. I think it's the abrupt shift that I dislike the most.

I hear it's good but depressing good. This is why it's at the mid-to-bottom of my list.

Nero Wolfe with Timothy Hutton in beautiful suits? Or the radio show? (either works for me)

Really? Like drunk-induced loss of memory? Or weird-Stephen-King-book-ish reasons?

Does seeing Once the Musical count? (Ive mentioned it like 7 times so far today but I'm going to see it tomorrow and am really excited!)

I was superstoked to meet the members of the band Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at an aftershow signing. I was smitten with all of them and babbled like an idiot.

Most of the way through The Aeronaut's Windlass, only about 100 pages left. It's been good throughout but I have nothing to compare it to, I don't normally read this kind of fiction. But I look forward to more in the series. Eventually I'll get back to that Bob Rae book. Eventually.