This comment is disgusting and beautiful.
This comment is disgusting and beautiful.
Nothing like the President publicly stating a suspect should get the death penalty before he’s even had a hearing to ensure a fair trial.
joe ricketts eat shit
As Ta-Nehasi Coates was reminding people on twitter: 3/5s of a person was already a compromise. Missouri was a compromise. Lincoln’s election platform was a compromise. The road to the civil war was paved in compromises that never managed to be enough for the slaveholders of the south.
He is most definitely surrounded by Assholes.
It’s reasonable to predict they go down together (which may be the first time Pence goes down; but that’s Mother’s problem).
Clear your weekend plans and procure a fainting couch: Here are the winners of Jezebel’s 2017 scary story contest…
Protip: defrosting chicken in hot water is basically inviting bacteria to take up residence.
Of course the bump stuck ban fizzled out. This is America, where 20+ children can die and no one does a thing but GOD FORBID a woman try and get birth control or an abortion.
I don’t know whether to laugh orbeso offended by this comment.
It’s illogical. It’s like not letting Martin Shkreli speak at an asshole conference. Or Neicy Nash not being allowed to address a convention of awesome people.
Real estate brokers, working in cahoots with banks and governments, redlined the country and kept segregation going even until now. In short, nobody cares what you think.
Yeah I don’t see what’s so offensive about this (except for the on/off feature). I certainly don’t feel shamed. You have to be racked with some pretty insecure delusions to assign that kind of personification to an inanimate web service.
I really, really hope Trump responds. Or dies. Whatever.
“Man, the Browns are getting killed out here. You’d think they played in Las Vegas.”
Can’t spell Maraghy without Magary.
The stuff after the comma in your post makes the stuff before the comma redundant. Any sort of lawyer could at least IMAGINE how the contract might hold up in court, and the good ones would also probably be thinking “Here’s how I’D argue it, if I had to...” :-)