Read 2:23 PM
Read 2:23 PM
This fucking Travelocity Gnome needs to be strung up by his short’n curlies. What’s with this “ I can’t recall” bullshit? When they grilled Hillary for HOURS she never took the ‘who me?’ route like this pocket sized motherfucker is using. Inexcusable.
Wow, this would be a great addition to my collection of Altamont merchandise!
Take your dumbass star.
In Space, Mother can’t read your impure thoughts.
Yea, at least Whaboom has some self-awareness- he knows he’s a joke and he knows he’s annoying. Blake shouting that he’s A GENTLEMAN made me laugh and cringe at the same time. Ah, toxic masculinity!
We need to start conducting this witch hunt properly—we’ll throw Trump in a lake and, if he drowns, he’s innocent.
If Lucas and Blake aren’t really buddies who staged this to get TV time and are actually the people we saw on screen, then I absolutely agree that Blake is the jerk. Lucas is a dumbass, but he doesn’t seem to be hurting anyone. I’m sure he’s obnoxious, but Blake came in at “super-pissed” anger level and never calmed…
Lucas also seemed at the tail-end of drunkenness, when you’re still devoid of filters but are too tired to really act or say anything concrete.
He actually didn’t win. Some guy whose name starts with a B—Bryce?—won. I bet Kenny kind of let him though.
“For some reason, this issue of atomic bombs has become a paramount issue for the Japanese.” - Mike Pence, circa 1945
I think I’d enjoy it more if SCOTUS refused to even grant cert (after all, no dispute among the circuits) than if it issued a crushing opinion affirming the 4th circuit.
She seems nice.
But real talk: frank ‘n’ beans are amazing. Also, cut up hot dogs in mac and cheese.
Your Daly reminder of just how far Tiger has fallen.
Does this count as another major?
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I can see it now, Merkel will go up to Trump and extend her hand to grab him by the balls, ‘cause when you are famous, you can do that’