It's Like That And

Dolt 45.

Honestly, there should be a considerable amount of heat for those who disingenuously advertised this shitshow and then quietly deleted it, hoping no one would notice LIKE THIS ISN’T 2017 AND WE DONT HAVE THE RECIEPTS. What a wesealy fucking move.

Water is just clear. Grass is green might’ve worked better.

Give it time

I think he should have stopped about here.

As someone with family in South Korea, what the everloving fuck, is this?!

There is this part of me that keeps hoping that the Dems do solid in the midterms next year and rip this administration to shreds.

“has been operating as if it should be called 18th Century Fox.”

Penicillin cocktails all around!

I keep waiting for trump to take to twitter and just simply tweet, “The Aristocrats!”.

Jonathan Groff once made [Lea Michele] laugh so hard, she peed herself before singing in front of Obama.”

Stop. Hitting. Women.

It scans the expiry date on the juice packet, tracks your usage. and checks for recall. I assume it also detects off-brand/unauthorized juice packets and refuses to squeeze them.

Jeez. Wrestling fan until the end.

Wow. That’s going to cost a ton of iPhones. He better stop buying so many.

I could see Trump offering Bill a position. They’re clearly cut from the same douche canoe cloth. Besides, we already know Trump loves the snot out of him.

Let’s not conflate justice with revenge.

or should I say hang on to him

After he won the trial last week! This is why the NFL is so hard on touchdown celebrations. You give these players an inch...

Voters better fucking show up then too.