
I had the same thought...but it sure looks like form took priority over function. Overall this isn’t my kind of thing...overly ‘minimalist’ to the point of being overly complicated. It appears that they compromised every aspect of the bike and made it objectively worse as a motorcycle.

Great flip. Excellent flexibility. Good poise. Shame he didn’t stick the landing.

Vin Weasel.... close, so close...

He said he was on the M4.

I have a 2011 v-8 Genesis and I do enjoy owning and driving it. It’s comfortable, has good power and acceleration when needed and as a low mileage preowned car it’s turned out to be both economical and dependable. I understand people’s turning their noses up at it’s mishmash design elements, But it’s never bothered

Teams of researchers have been unable to prove conclusively whether or not the computer actually takes advantage of true quantum effects.

Yup! He was paralyzed from the waist down in a motorcycle accident. It keeps his legs from flailing around.

That’s the Zumwalt’s sister ship, the U.S.S. Beldar.

Your mind is now blown

*With a warranty

the article is all chopped up, please proof-read and edit

This is the manliest thing ever done, even counting the Normandy invasion.

No, we’re going by price, performance, size, technology, engineering, features, and basically any other metric.

Came here for this

I was hoping to see this at least once! Cheers!


Once upon a time, there was a profession that was called journalism. In that lost profession, people that made their living as journalists would find interesting ideas that, if were found to be true, could create interesting stories. Using their resources and talent, these interesting ideas were investigated and,

I hope he gets all of it.

Let’s just not think at all and join the rest of the sheeple?