
He isn’t wrong because this isn’t Japan and it isnt WW2. You’re trying to apply the rules of tennis to soccer with abviously poor results.

It’s hard to take you seriously complaining about the 350Z’s interior when you follow that up with a WRX purchase.

Let’s just not think at all and join the rest of the sheeple?

It’s in spirit and for a relatively short duration. I think you’ll manage.

My statements are based on fact. Delete humans from the history of this planet and you’ll likely see a lot less cars and factories around. A factory is not a natural process.

I wonder what Ubers surge pricing is like?

I think its unreasonable to expect that we can accelerate a natural process (the burning of fossil fuels and particularly the release of emissions into the atmosphere) and then expect that everything that depends on it will continue on the same course prior to the acceleration. It has tangible effects and we’ll be

First morons like Texas101 told us the planet wasn’t warming at all. Now they tell us it is warming afterall but in a vacuum with no external influence whatsoever. Right......

One of the biggest fallacies is that any and all employees can willingly leave their job and find a replacement elsewhere at a moments notice.

It’s possible but definitely in the cases where the anonymous lines were needed (and technically available) they never really worked in the way a user intended. I’m happy to say I’ve also worked at places where I didn’t find it necessary to even research the options.

I’ve dealt with enough ethics/HR issues at huge corporations (Wells Fargo for one) to know that their whiste blowing process is designed to protect the corporation. The best case you can expect is that you will be moved to what the corporation believes is a less troublesome environment and quite often the manager

I’m pretty sure that’s the kind of logic that got a lot of Jewish people placed into ovens by people who were “just doing their job”.

I’ve got about 400hp from my V8 Genesis Sedan and that thing hauls ass. The news ones are 430 or so. It pales in comparison to the 2007 BMW 530i that I traded in.

Are there participating training sites throughout the country or is it just one? Hopefully it’s not just for military vets who happen to live in that one area or willing to spend a few hundred bucks on flight plus whatever lodging costs because at that point your free training turns quite expensive.

What kind of shitty analogy is that? No one is concerned about armed cops. They are concerned about poorly trained and inadequately screened cops. Now since you seem to be obsessed with cops and subways the better analogy is: Would I rather be on a subway with 50 armed cops or 50 armed strangers? The answer to that

For a brief moment I read that as “goatse ice cream”.....shudder.

Marketing what? Making your own root beer from scratch? Something tells me the marketing dollars for DIY everything are fairly slim compared to the products they want you to buy off the store shelf.

I’m not asking you to agree with my interpretation but what some find weak others find controlled/patient/reserved in all of the right ways. God knows the guy who was in office before Obama was the exact opposite and in all of the worst ways imaginable.

I don’t disagree with that statement at all but I suspect the follow up statements will be an area of contention. I happen to like guns and believe they have a purpose but I also believe that they are issued with far too much ease to individuals who have no business handling them. You can imagine that I’m in support

Yeah for all practical purposes we really have been the foundation and the structure in that relationship.