
This is all fascinating to me. And I truly hope to see the Rockets find a way to land him, if only for the pure insanity of watching Harden, Westbrook, and Paul play and interact together.

up until yesterday all i knew about kyrgios was deadspin articles so i had a real negative view of him

I thought that was hilarious too. If you’re going to claim it’s dangerous, at least have the humility to say it’s dangerous to know, the person he is hitting the ball at. It’s akin to a baseball player saying he’s upset that the pitcher threw at him not because he could have been injured, but because the

Puig would never underthrow the cutoff man. Chuck one over the backstop from the warning track, maybe, but I don’t think he’s capable of not throwing a ball hard enough.

Wow what's it like to be allergic to fun, man? Do you carry an EpiPen in case you start enjoying yourself?

Ok my hockey knowledge might be a little off here, are the Maple Leafs essentially the Knicks of the NHL or is that going too far ?

Fuck Dolan in every orifice in his body for making me agree with SAS.  This might be the most peak Knicks moment in a long time.  Just fuck me.

Is it weird that the further SAS devolves into caricature, the more I actually find him tolerable?

Now playing

Yes, this is a much better analysis of the at bat.

Wtf are you talking about? Is MLK no longer from Georgia because he was murdered? This article makes zero fucking sense. We're all super proud of how upset you got tho. 

I love how all these years later they are still on the “hockey player from TX” bit, when Leetch moved to CT as an infant.

Jesus, more stupid liberal bias. Some guy named Hernandez does this and you applaud, but Joe Biden does some unwanted kissing and you’re all over his ass!

I 100% think it makes sense that you should have your dominant hand at the top of the stick. That is the hand that does all the fine motor movement. Potentially the bottom hand does more of the “heavy lifting,” but most people do not have a big difference in strength between their dominant and non-dominant hand,

This is the difference between how they teach you in America (grab middle of the stick with dominant hand) vs. the rest of the world (grab knob). I don’t think they both to correct it since it leads to more players who shoot left. But’s it’s also why in hockey they always say “shoots left” instead of “left handed.” 


At the very least give the infant a glove and a fighting chance 

I appreciate that nuance is always the enemy in this conversation but:

I’m more interested in understanding why one of the most important people in the franchise couldn’t go 4-5 hours without eating a full meal.

Really just last year and really only after he was out w/ an injury. I’m definitely of the opinion that he will bounce back this year since last year post-injury was a bit of an anomaly against his entire career.