
My dude can’t even tell time without having someone write it for him first.

Nah, having a politician’s son with no expertise in literally anything other than being an entitled, out of touch dipshit is waaaay better. It’s more American, at least.

Good for the Blues. They were the better team throughout the series and Binnington is a freak. As much as it pains me to say this because I think he’s a douche, Berube outcoached the shit out Cassidy. For gods sake Cassidy, make a fucking adjustment. The Blues clogged the hell out of the neutral zone, which has been a

Shots on goal is a meaningless stat if the shots don’t go in.

I didn't realize I'd come across a salt deposit this close to the surface of the comments section. 

Your book will be an all time worst seller. 

Bruins, especially Chara, definItely committed the most non-called penalties in fucking NHL playoff history. Sit the fuck down or go cry somewhere else.

After complaining all series long that you guys didn’t write enough about this series, I am very thankful I will probably only have to see this and Lauren’s low-effort post.

Lesson here is to never question the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s ability to see into the future.

The amount of fucks yelled when the players are raising the cup is amazing! I can’t wait for all of the pearl clutching letters to the FCC.

This. A thing happened. It was regrettable. Strong leadership consists in moving on and getting ready for the next challenge. This is the opposite of that - severely punishing a player for failing, threatening his successors with similar punishment if they fail, creating an environment in which everyone’s desperately

As a hockey and Bruins fan since 1961... I can tell you this is nothing new since day one. What sets the best teams apart is when you can overcome all the negative factors in a human sport... rise above it. In the last 2 games, my beloved Bruins have not stepped-up. Heck, with the exceptions of 3 or 4 players, they

Careful, sarcasm can be tough round these parts. 

The Bruins will have a chance to close out the series in St. Louis on Sunday.” Typical NHL ignoring the rules to help Boston. 

When will Boston ever catch a break?

They do lean into it, but there’s this persecution complex thing that Yankees fans don’t do.

“Yankees Fan Righteously Insecure Post Perfectly Illustrates Why We Hate Yankees Fans”

As a Blackhawks fan I really never expected to ever cheer for the Blues in a final, but superfuck the Bruins.