
Will my car be able to turn into a Were-car, claws and all?

Did the tipster tip Gawker that they were going to get fired for that tip?

its not weird that I search for her on facebook right? ....

...believe it or not. I have yet to play SMW. Maybe I should look for it at a local disc replay.

How about we get a THE HISTORY OF KOTAKU some time soon? That would be kinda neat.

@Gameslaya: I did that. The story really wasnt important to get into the 2nd one. But it was so hard to backtrack like that in the gameplay.

@FortWaba: There were moments in Crushing where I just wanted to launch the game into space. its more of aiming for headshots and taking advantage of cover.

@thecast: I saw on another site that the back side of a MGS4 case CONFIRMED trophies. Could be a misprint. Probably is. :c

Is it because MGS4 was being patched for trophies?! :D

@FortWaba: wait till you play on the hardest mode _<

Dont really care about Kinect and Move at this point. Sure their technologies are something else But im just going to wait it out a bit longer. What I'm interested in is how both companies plan to change the tech. MS already wants Kinect on other devices which is awesome! I wonder if it'll be the death of the

@pandafresh: I like your I Love You Man reference. Kinda have horrible luck with the ladies :/

I miss my exgirlfriend :c and I'm losing the urge to pick up the controller. Well GoW Ghost of Sparta has me hooked...for now.

@Mike43110: HAHAHA thats usually how it happens!

@XTRZX: I havent either. Didnt really see a big deal with the game.

BUT YOU GET IT FOR FREE ):< give it to me! pleease! :/

@Arken: In about a week -_-"

@monster2: I'm sure Japan isnt fond of blood either. It would be worse in Australia, they wont even HEAR about this game because its so violent :c Okay they will but they'll be like OH INSTANT BAN

LOL someone at Microsoft doesnt know what QWERTY is. HAHAH look at the damn keyboard -_-"