
@Archaotic: I thought it was biweekly for US PS+ subscribers. hum.

@Taggart451: I think the past couple of videos are out of sync :c

I like the boxart for the PS3 move bundle. every other bundle that came out after the MGS4 bundle just came off as extremely dull. As if they were just selling a PS3 and said hey heres a free game. Give me interest in the free game! Its in the box for a reason! Damn SCEA.

PSPPhone?! oh that would be HUGE.

@Standish: about, only till the new generation that comes out a year later which will cost exactly the same thing with about a boatload of new features. oh and it'll be faster too. it'll be called iTVFASTER

@Kung-Fu Kurtis Carnivale of Carnage: The typography isnt bad, its just ...well misplaced. I'm not sure if its trying to associate itself the birth or death of the format. Its definitely missing something. I'll tell ya that.

@Standish: It costs three times as much :D

And I was about to decide to buy a Samsung Vibrant DAMN YOU SONY!!!! DAMN YOU!

I'm not gonna lie, that was probably one of my favorite commercials presented for a game. Its just filled with so much kick ass. It makes me want to go buy a PSeye! Prob wont but it does!

@apollon: You do realize that the eye toy has had games like these for YEARS? Just sayin.

Anyone here skateboard? I had a few friends who did and I would occasionally use their stuff to ride around but I never got around to buying my own deck. I'm 6'0" and about 160 lbs I want a decent size board. I have about a size 10 shoe. My friend says that I should get a rather big board. What do you Kotaku-ians

If you're streaming content via "iTV" why not just do it with a console? It really isnt that hard to create a media server with your computer. Then you wont have to worry about making all those video files into ONE SPECIFIC type. Thats if you watch/download TV onto your computer.

@Squalor: The fact that God of War 3 came out 2 weeks later and I have a backlog of about 8-10 games (won them through EA).

I wonder if that Heavy Rain sale is permanent _<

@Killer Toilet: Keep in mind the PS2 was what helped Sony take off. Maybe the PSP2 will do the same.

I'm going to stick with the whole PSP2 is coming out soon with a huge lineup to back it up! What I'm afraid is that it wont support old PSP games :c

Makes sense. Keep in mind there wasnt an update to the iTouch last year. Why not? Because there was a new iPhone coming out, which has had a design change. So why not take advantage of the new case, insides, and specs by adding it to the iTouch?

I remember reading an article oh here before on hands on use. Its great at what it does and nothing else. I can see its great to read the news and browse the web but thats all I see it as. The fact that it has no front facing camera just implodes my mind.

@DanielJ: Oh of course they suck, but I know what the latest phones have to offer.

@I'm@work,shhhhh.: i just hope they realize it before its too late. But its those small things that should be noted in commercials!