
Sometimes I wonder whether or not Kojima released MGS4 on more than one BR disk. That wouldve been some ridiculous shit. People would be pissed and be surprised because one 50 GB BR disk wasn't enough.

@DrXym: Wouldnt 100/128 Gb be too much data for a movie anyway?

@eXo: I'm not saying that its gonna happen in a matter of years. but it's going to take a couple of generations. When I was 10, I played tons of platformers. Kids nowadays are growing up on shooters and mature titles. They're also growing up with DLC and the digital age, and trust me, they'll grow towards the digital


@That mop mutant: Right because its not like the PS3 has around 10 million people online.

@ElephantFace: Depends I usually play normal, but I'm really finding it to be too easy.

@Curse lily: I don't have that game :| so sorry for getting your hopes up. but try [] for help. Those guys and gals on those boards are AWESOME. I'm sure you'll find anyone willing to help you out... if the board is still active :p

That's great! Does the download count go up as soon as I click download? or after the 3+hr download... :'c

@battra92: Really? Hum I've always seen it at $60.00 I just gave up on that it'll be a GH title. nevermind then.

Damn, LBP is 30$ PLUS 30$ worth of DLC. That's definately a deal. I'll probably pick up inFamous. Now Heavenly Sword needs join in on the GH! SHIT. I'm sure the devs will break even then! shit

@Atomsk88: Well its officially 10 bucks cheaper :D

Fuck the iPad.

Thanks for the reminder. I have about 2-3 accounts with PW's that need changing. I have multiple accounts varying from message boards, shopping at various stores, down right to different emails.

Thats what IW gets for charging for old maps. assholes.

The game is okay. sure things blow up but thats the only good thing about it. The maps in my opinion seemed too big for such a small multiplayer numbers in a single round.

Thats pretty fucking stupid. Unless the control configuration is completely different. but in this day and age it shouldn't be hard to tell the 3DS to go into CLASSIC DS mode when playing older games.

@TechnoAtom: I completely agree with you. I've been putting off on getting a DS just because it didn't really appeal to me. Pokemon Gold sure is calling out right about now though. But with all these new portables being shot left and right fron Nintendo, I'd feel it'd be stabbed in the back. I'll wait till the 3DS is

@OrangeKnight: All you have to do is twirl your arms in the air... hum I'll just stick to the Plume of Prometheus move :] (Square square triangle)