
@surft: Shit still sucked. Avatar that is.

Thanks for getting me excited with that awesome picture of Thor. Then I read it had to deal with the banhammer :[. If I recall correctly its from the The Ultimates. Before Thor POUNDS the shit out of Hulk.

I'm calling it now.

Just because theres only been 25 million revives doesnt mean they dont give a damn. There just isnt a lot of medics as well as engineers. But thats where the points are. Its just a matter of preference, and where you're defending of course.

@That mop mutant: I loved BF2142 played to death. Especially playing on Camp Gibraltar

You kotaku editors do know that this post is tagged as "scrrens" right? Or am I missing a joke here.

@Hassun: I've read some articles about Jaffe not completely shutting down the whole new Twisted Metal game rumor. He does state that he'd have to recreate the franchise to regain those lost fans. What I got from it, he'd be starting over.

@surgex5: Kinda like the new prince of persia: the sand of time

Well even if the box cover art does die out, they'll always have the game load up screen "cover" before launching the game! It makes me angry when a game doesn't have one. :[

I wouldn't say headache. I did feel lightheaded playing after some BF BC2 and Uncharted2 multiplayer last night, which is a first really. I've felt nauseated especially back when I use to play Pokemon.

@ceilingFANBOY: Pfft I still haven't beaten it. I was in garden 7, I believe thats the one where the gravity changes. I refused to grab all 5 spectra until I opened all the seeds in the level _< So frustrating. Especially with garden 8 as well. Falling all the way down on my last spectra was INFURIATING. That garden

Twisted Metal for PS3 confirmed!?

I'm sure this CoD is coming out of the Treyarch womb. Will I buy it? nope. I'm tired of FPS's. They're just milking the damn series. And its going to sell like damn hot cakes. This one will probably have another type of survival/horde feature. The worst part about the release is seeing the videos about the Dev's

@Archaotic: You didn't quite finish. They're having a beta, so a limited number of people can join in and give Blur data to help finish writing the code for their online portion of the game so people won't complain of faulty online quality.

I just want them to add them to add some songs so I can shred!!!....on a plastic guitar

@WhiteMåge is in fact a boy, damnit: I feel the same way when I buy a game from a different store thats being "advertised." Same goes for movies. Theres always AT LEAST 3 stickers to peel off the damn case.

5th generation : Aluminum, glass, steel?

One thing that really bothered me from the demo was that Dante was able to double jump. Do I care if Kratos double jumps? Hes a god's servant, maybe it's a special ability, I don't know. I'll let it pass, its greek mythology with all sorts of magic, and what not. Dante, just some warrior looking for his wife(?), which

@Vizion28: Because gritty, bloody shooters sell. Back in the 90's. the 18-25 year old demographic now grew up playing those light hearted games. With time we were given some more of that, some games with excellent stories, some even terrifying to play.