
i shouldve won that ghostbuster's one! >:|

thanks for the reminder. YAY FOR LOOPHOLES!


If they don't announce anything I'll be heart broken

thats not the G1 phone out in the states.

@cinnical: If they made it for the PS3, I think they'll even decide to use more than one bluray disk.

sweet I didnt get to play the first one cause I dont own a 360 >:|

I thought Australia banned bad games.

I could always use this on my girlfr... OH WAIT. I DONT HAVE ONE.

@godot: no. MY WIFE. Kate Beckinsale.

@wooten16: I agree most definately. and Ryu is my main. >:|

Grand Theft Venom.

There was something bout one of the Team ICO fan sites having a secret message in a Christmas post.

@jorge.bronx: nah man. I'm pumped for SF4. As well as Killzone 2, God of War 3, inFamous, and Heavy Rain.

Ace like the last 2 levels in LBP.

It better make it to stateside.

What I really want to see is other developers levels.

Uncharted 2, GoW3, and now GTA4 .

he couldve at least chopped up a scarecrow or something sheesh.

its between LittleBigPlanet or LittleBigPlanet.