The Cold War is Over

i like lamp

They are the worst. I wanted Bernie.

Confusing times indeed.

Your name is triggering me. “Whitney” Houston was an American icon. You are mocking her and are obviously a racist.

Go for it tough guy.

So, he supports Palestine? I’m so confused.

Agreed. Trump is a Russian spy planted here by the Soviets many years ago. Kind of like that movie with Kevin Costner when he pees on Sean Young.

These crybabies want free college and safe spaces.

Someone should put a voodoo curse on Trump.

I don’t care. I care about American jobs and the American working man.

I know right so confusing. I thought the libtards wanted communism?

Yes, Trump probably will take over the military and lock a lot of people away. But, he is pro Israel and no antisemite

Yes, isn’t that what we want? One world under socialism?

JFK would be proud at what Trump has been able to do in such a short time.

Hitler killed 6 million Jews. Don’t be that asshole.

But But Trump is a Russian mole.

The Secret Service has been notified- good luck.

Combined Russian and American forces will destroy China.

Yes, it will be incredible. Burger King for everyone. We can finally bring American businesses into Russia and make more money.

Why does the left want to go to war with Russia so bad? You guys are still upset about Iraq.