I’m bringing you out of the greys to tell you how wrong you are.
I’m bringing you out of the greys to tell you how wrong you are.
ok that Bronco surprised me.. that one is a disaster
I own a Model Y, (not happy but here we are)
Subaru Eyesight has something similar, the car alerts you when the car in front has started pulling away from a stop. I found out in a drive thru lol.
Europe and other markets have pedestrian safety standards. So cars sold in other markets have to meet those standards, hence the more squared off front ends & higher hoods on some cars.
Simple answer, there are no automotive pedestrian safety standards in the United States. That’s why the Cyber-Truck can be sold in the US, but not Europe. NHTSA has proposed new regulations, but they have not been approved yet.
Yeah, it’s probably some version of that rule about the square feet the vehicle covers and the approach/departure angle, plus GVW, that the law basically says “do whatever the hell you want”. In my state of PA a loophole allows these giant vehicles to be exempt from child-safety seats and there is a currently a bill…
Ideally you want the energy in the momentum transferred to the chassis, around the passengers. Often, in larger vehicles, it transfers the momentum of the chassis into the passengers. Which is less than ideal, unless you think the human body’s natural resting state is chunky salsa.
Found Florida Man.
“As an aside, thank you to all the people who recognized that the question was a bit written by a trans woman for pride month. I’m glad we’re on the same page here.”
No fun allowed during pride month!
Its because we all know exactly what kind of person he is when he said that: Typical white, conservative, Trump-supportin’ piece of shit.
“Cybertruck makes a U Turn using only my pinky. Check mate.”
Is anyone else a bit suspicious of someone buying a Cybertruck on an O-3's salary?
Maybe I’m stupid, but what was supposed to be so amazing about using one finger to turn?
Of all the things annoying about this guy, it’s the ‘nice try Buttercup’ that gets me the most. May your CT be plagued by all of the common issues
Uh no I don’t agree, is this a bit?
All the +1s to Skeffles for submitting the Willys Jeep.