
That’s the point, right; the goal of his complaint was to alert higher ups and get them to stop the abuse. When we can get this system to work, people won’t have the nasty choice of choosing between staying with an abusive employer or risking their careers when they report abuse.

You’re saying this with sarcasm. But, if you read it with a straight face, you’ll realize you are in agreement with the premise. Imagine if you didn’t have an a*hole boss? Imagine if it was unacceptable for bosses to treat people badly, just because they were a boss. Imagine, if you didn’t have to be brave just to

Also, who disregards all of the commas but has the presence of mind to include a semicolon?

Wait?! Did you change the title?

Fair enough, we need more context to decide if it’s creepy. However, I think the rest of us are using his past comments about Ivanka to review this comment. His “I want to f* Ivanka” body of work is so extensive that we simply assumed a sexual undertone, though arguably without more context, in this case, it’s tough

Okay, so much to unravel here. But, I will be disciplined and pick two and only two: dating subordinates and blackmail.

You’re wrong. This is legally sexual assault. She said no, he did it anyway. Most states sexual assault is simply an “unwanted touching”. So, her saying no and him proceeding any way is sexual assault.

But, did any of these women ever feel raped? Did any of them every feel harrassed? Did you ever get a text like Aziz did from the girl the next day? Which is worse, making things a little awkward (or funny) by asking first so that you never coerce a girl into a sexual act? Or, having sexual contact with a girl who


But, is that really a response to a class on systemic racism? All of these responses are so ridiculous. Someone at a school you probably don’t attend is teaching a course on systemic racism and THIS MANY PEOPLE felt the need to send email, vm, and even physical mail to establish their right to use the n word?

But, is that really a response to a class on systemic racism? All of these responses are so ridiculous. Someone at a school you probably don’t attend is teaching a course on systemic racism and THIS MANY PEOPLE felt the need to send email, vm, and even physical mail to establish their right to use the n word?

But, is that really a response to a class on systemic racism? All of these responses are so ridiculous. Someone at a school you probably don’t attend is teaching a course on systemic racism and THIS MANY PEOPLE felt the need to send email, vm, and even physical mail to establish their right to use the n word?

So, I’m not saying Oprah is qualified to be president. But, I’m not willing to categorically say she’s unqualified. Yes, she rose to fame as a tv show host. But, she has managed significant business holdings, has developed numerous large scale philanthropic programs that adequately addressed real societal injustices.

Can the two of you just share all the stars?

It’s because most of us didn’t even realize we were Black until we left Africa. In most of Africa, Black is the default. So, it’s not really a source of identity. My mother actually had to explain to me why people were calling me “Blackie” when we moved to a foreign country. She had to explain why people were treating

That’s what’s so weird about all of these messages that accuse The Root of racism. The person is never able to complete the message without saying some of the most racist stuff ever. And, they always throw in some bonus crazy.

Hmm....I don’t know the answer to that. But, they have in the past seemed willing to change their “principles” whenever it’s expedient. I also think she would pick up the slack from “democrats” who prefer diet racism to Trump’s blatant stuff.

Yeah, I don’t really understand why Donald Trump isn’t sued every day by almost everyone in the world. Almost every time he speaks it’s slander and almost every time he (tries) to write, it’s libel. I think that he’s just lucked out and most of the people he attacks have jobs and things to do and don’t want to waste

Yeah, but libel is the buzzword. The first amendment doesn’t protect all speech.

Why? In a world in which her father can be elected. There is NO reason for her to dream smaller. It’s actually perfectly acceptable for her to believe that she would win easily.