
“They don’t have money to rent a truck.”

Hahahaha. I was talking about your response....way above where you called number 2 (not poop :), the one in Starting Over Again’s example) really just a rape horse.

Is it, though? Is the true fantasy that someone would change their mind and spontaneously pursue you or consent the same as a fantasy that you would force your will on another? Are you saying that simply fantasizing about someone who has already withheld consent or directly said no is really a rape fantasy in

Is this irony?

Lol! HIPAA!!! Yeah, this is probably a fourth amendment problem. They can run your plates whenever they want in most states. But, they can only pull you over if they have a reasonable, articulable suspicion that you committed a crime. So, there’s that. It’s definitely a gross invasion. You start at them pulling her


This is just ridiculous name calling. Almost half of what he says are facts that are objectively false. It doesn’t matter if we’re all coons. This guy’s makes up statistics and data. He lies. He may actually also steal. He claims to have raised $700,000 for a school to uplift African boys, but has no documents/paper

I would like to give your second paragraph ALL of the stars in this and all alternate universes.

She must be in AA. Apologizing is like step 7 or 8 or something. (Can’t be bothered to Google.

You’re really consistent with your response to murderers. Very commendable.

Yes. You’re right. Your response is more rational..and definitely less bitchy.

Absolutely not the takeaway from her post. There’s no way for me to write anything more without being very rude. So, I’ll lean on my hometraining and bow out.

I guess I just don’t understand his point. If he’s at an interview and asked directly about Ta-Nehisi, then, great, let him spout his opinion. But, this guy CONSTANTLY goes out of his way to “review” Ta-Nehisi. A It’s so weird, because his critiques are always so anemic. I really don’t think Ta-Nehisi is the second

So, a few things. 1. They are cute. 2. It’s even cuter that he only gave them to the women “who work in makeup” (cause they’re lipstick shaped- clever!). 3. It’s way cuter that he loves that they’re “discreet” and the women can “carry them around”. 4. But, even better, he gave the exact same one three years in a row?

This is something that FASCINATES me about America. It’s more offensive to be called a racist that to actually think and do things that are racist. You have leaders of the KKK who would object strenuously to being called racist. Calling someone a racist is offensive. Being racist is not.

Ah...Gotcha! Still a little pedantic, late night show host, hosting a panel thingy that was meant to promote a film. But, you do have a real leg to stand on, so okay. I will let it go...this time. :)

Not really a leap, just a decent observation made in a snarky, slightly judgmental way. Verbal abuse is really closely related to physical abuse. I know deep inside you feel that you’re just being reasonable and giving possible explanations for his behavior. But, it was abusive behavior. When you begin at that

Not to take anything away from the amazing point you just made. But, can we all just take a moment to acknowledge that RM used the term “grabbypants”. Hehehehehe.

When you watch the video, the audience seems initially thrown off by John Oliver bringing it up. I think you even here someone yell, “Move on.” But, as John Oliver stays persistent and Dustin Hoffman’s responses to the allegations are weak, “Why did they wait 40 years to report?” The audience starts groaning at Dustin